
Do you think it's beneficial for children to start kindergarten 1 year later than the birthday cutoff allows?

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What is it like where you live? Are kids more likely to start kindergarten at age 5 or age 6? Do you think that the academic standards for kindergarten are too much to expect from 5 year olds? Do you see a big difference in what kindergarteners are expected to learn compared to when you yourself were in kindergarten?




  1. When I was in Kdg., it was more like preschool is now. We sang some songs, learned our colors and numbers and took a nap. Half day was plenty. Now they are learning to read and write and do math. If your child is a boy I think it is often better to wait, especially if their birthday is earlier in the school year. They expect a lot now and I'm not sure if it's good or not.

  2. I dont think it really matters. but kids that barely make the cutoff or dont make the cut off and start early anyway arent going to be as well off later. because then they will be a year younger than everyone else in their grade.  This isnt fun because then you are driving later than everyone and all that other annoying stuff. (although this isnt related to kindergarten at all, this is what comes to my mind because i'm 15 and people that started kindergarten early are mad because they wont get their drivers liscense until more than a year after some of the older kids.)

  3. It depends on the child. generally, boys have a harder time if they are very young when they enter, but that is not true of all boys. It is a decision that needs to be made based on all aspects of the child's development; physical, emotional, social and cognitive. Keep in mind that sadly, Kindergarten is now more like First Grade, or boot camp in many places.

  4. I think you really have to look at the child and what they are capable of doing.  I do agree that they are expecting more academically from the younger children but more importantly Kindergarten is about learning the ins and outs of being in a school environment and learning to develop healthy peer relationships and respect for authority figures other than your parents.  If your child is a little bit on the immature side you might want to consider starting them later rather than sooner.  I had one of each and wished now that I had started my first a year later.  He is much more socially and emotionally immature compared to many kids in his grade and has really struggled this past year.  My second started late due to a late birthday and I'm really glad she did.  It has given her a chance to work on the social aspects and not worry so much on the academics.  Now that she's doing better socially I can't wait to see her pushed more next year on academics.  She's more than ready where my son I wish we could take a step back.  Just gauge your old child and where they are at to determine if they are ready.

  5. i was 5 yrs old my entire kindergarden year. most ppl in my grade started when they were 5 and turned 6 during the school year. some even started at age 6. i get good grades in school, and i no ppl who turned 6 during the school year who get good grades, and ppl who started at age 6 who get good grades. the younger someone starts, the better they retain the information. thats y kids around 4 yrs old get taught a foreign language- because they can retain the information better than a 13 yr old would

  6. Where I live--Indiana--we have all-day kindergarten, and kids start at 5 years old.  They push reading and writing throughout the school year--it's pretty intense!  Your kid had better already know how to spell & write his/her name the correct way and have the numbers & letters down pat before even walking into the classroom!  Way different from when I was a kid.  Back then kindergarten was 1/2 day and it was playtime.  As far as whether it's beneficial for children to start 1 year later than the birthday cutoff, I have heard from 2 different elementary teachers across the country that it's a very good idea for little boys to do this.  Poor kids.  School is so stressful for them these days.  I can't say that it does them any good, but that's "progress."

  7. My son *had* to start when he was only 4 (he was a Christmas baby) I wasn't comfortable with it because although he is a bright child, he wasn't mentally prepared for school.  The following year I re-enrolled him in kindergarten again...but into a Francophone school.  Grade 1 he continued into the French program but we discovered he has ADHD and Dyslecia so for grade 2 we switched him back to English where he is doing much better.

    Although he is a bit older than all his classmates, he fits in mentally..and I have no regrets.

    And yes, what I learned in school compared to what he has to do it totally different!  The really focus on accademics rather than just "social" skills.

  8. yes its so much better to start them off late!!!!!! especially if they have a summer birthday..... cuz its just strange to see 17 year olds go to college... they aren't ready, and i've NEVER heard of any regrets of having kids start a year late..... now starting early, there are regrets.

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