
Do you think it's better to commute or live?

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Do you think it's better to commute or live?




  1. It depends on what you call living.

    Mostly commuting is not deadly nor is the risk of being killed particularly high, but if your life-style is what most people consider to be that of a dead-beat, well then commuting is best!

  2. Ummm, i prefer living. Really if you're dead it's a one way commute. But then again you don't have to stop at red lights so it makes things faster. Lol.

    I think you mean living close to work versus commuting. In that case I like living close, or at least inner city. My 15 km commute is only 20-25 minutes by transit, so I really don't mind commuting. Any longer (or if there was a lot of traffic) then I would definitely want to live closer.

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