
Do you think it's embrassing to works in the restaurant?

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i'm a 17 years old high school student, right now i want to get a job in the restaurant as a waiter, because they get paid pretty good. i want to know is that embrassing to works in the restaurant? do you prefer to works in the restaurant?




  1. One word.


  2. there is nothing wrong with it, I work in a restaurant and I love it, I actually went to college and I make more money working less hours waiting tables, so go for it, it's fun, you get to meet cool people, and your hardly ever bored at work.. nothing to be embarrassed about, unless you don't like to make good money.. good luck, i say take the job!!

  3. No, it's not embarassing to work in a restaurant.  You gain experience with people and it can lead to other things.  Because of my experience, I got to work a private party for the football players the night before the Super bowl, here in Tempe AZ.

  4. I think its got alot to do with the enviroment that u work in.

    don't go working in a place your not comfortable in.

    Some people have even travelled overseas to work in some of the finest resturants of the world. You need to ask yourself do i want to wait in this resturant cause there's nothing to be ashamed of serving the best food to customers with a smile on your face.

  5. Every High school student I know pretty much works at a resturaunt thats the most likely job you can get being young with no experience. Its not embarassing..well I guess If you think it is it can be but no doont even worrya bout that. Im 21 now my first job was in fast food when I was your age.

  6. chill out i do and i get to see my friends every time. it just gets annoying when my mom comes to my job and gives me the hardest thing to serve. have you ever seen the episode of hogan knows best where he forces his kids to work at a diner and then he orders the most in the whole resteraunt, that is me and my mom. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. it is great fun working for restaurants! trust me, i am a VP of a company now, but at times i really miss the days working as waiter. you get to talk to people who could very possible you will only see once in your life time but you get to interactive with the person. or some become regular and will call you by name or come to the restaurants because of you.

    if you do not enjoy talking with people or if you are not a people person, you may struggle with the waiter job, otherwise, you should have a blast!  it is your chance to learn how to do a good job for your custmers and interact with people. even when your friends come to the restaurants you should be proud of your job!

  8. It is not embarrassing, absolutely not.

    One other thing is also important, the word "embrassing" should be spelt differently: "embarrassing".

  9. No. I actually prefer it. I've done all kinds of jobs, including a job in an insurance company that paid pretty well, but desks jobs aren't for me. I love working with food and the variety and physical activity that comes with restaurant work.

    If you are worried about seeing people you know, don't. I worried about this too with my first job in a restaurant as a teenager. I thought, god, what if someone i know comes in?!! But honestly they seemed to think it was cool that i had a job and was making money.

  10. I don't at all. I worked in restaurants while I was in High School and College. And if you get the right restaurant you can make a killing in tips if you are any good.

  11. not at all! why would you be? it's pretty much the same as any other student job!

    i work in a restaurant and i LOVE it! good pay and free food! and quite often you get nice peeps that give big big tips! ^^

  12. No!

  13. People don't understand how much you can make as a waiter/waitress. They can make tons of money depending on the restaurant they are serving in and the people that come.

    There's nothing to be embarrassed about! If there were no waiters than how would people eat out? People know that and tend to have respect for people who work in that trade.

    In my opinion there's no job that's embarrassing. Every job serves a purpose.

  14. My wife has worked in a restaurant all her life. She started out when she was about your age, and waitressing paid for her to go through school and get a College Degree......

    She worked as a Dental assistant for several years and finally returned to the Restaurant business.....

    She is now working in a four star watering hall, as a bartender and believe me, we live quite well......Not to mention that the hours are great....

    Dont worry, stick with it....You will be the one buying the beer while your laughing friends are struggling to put gas in their car.

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