
Do you think it's essential that individuals create meaning in life themselves?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think it's possible for someone who hasn't done so to lead a truly happy and fulfilling life?




  1. Probably not.

    We have to, at least, convince ourselves that we have some meaning, whether we really do, or not.  

  2. Of course it is possible.  

  3. surely if they are leading a happy and fulfilling life then by definition it must have meaning for them?

  4. I refer to your original question by saying the "meaning of life" that everyone always asks about IS that it is "essential that individuals create meaning in life."

    And yes, you can be happy without "consciously" do so. Some people take it for granted that that is the purpose of life, sometimes before they are able to even know they exist, around the age of 4. Some little children just "get it," and they never stop creating their own purpose even if they give it a second thought. Some of those would say they are too busy and happy to bother giving it a second thought.

  5. Well it would depend what you mean by create meaning, what if some one found meaning, simply lived freely for a time with out worrying about meaning  

  6. I think it's possible to create the meaning of your own life without knowing your doing it. However, for the person to feel like they have meaning in life is to have that meaning of self-fulfillment.  

  7. yes its essential to our being and sense of self, if we didnt have meaning in our lives then why continue it? i mean, do you do things just for the h**l of it or because you care about it? We can only live our lives to the fullest when we feel that we are doing something meaningful or important and leaving a footprint in this world so that when we die, the memory of our being doesn't die with us...this is why, those with purpose don't just roam around and then look back at their lives and find out that it was a waste of time....we have to use our time efficiently because if you think about it, we dont have that much time

  8. I don't think that meaning in life implies happiness at all.  There are plenty of depressed people whose lives are unfulfilled, yet still believe life has meaning.  Just as there are many who believe that life is meaningless who live happy and fulfilling lives.   Meaning in life is subjective, and so is the idea that living a meaningless life implies depression and unfufillment. Many people create it in their lives because it makes them feel happy or fulfilled. However, some people don't need a meaning in order to enjoy life.  

  9. I think it is. My life isn't fully fulfilling because I haven't found my purpose.

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