
Do you think it's fair that people are saying that Biden needs to go soft on Palin?

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I find this really upsetting, I keep hearing on the news people saying that if Biden comes across too strong in debates with Palin that he will look like a bad guy. I personally think it's sad because they are basing this on the fact that she is a woman. I mean she's running for VP and she has to be able to stand up for herself in a debate woman or no, people on the world stage will not be nice to her because she is a women, so why should we make any exception to that rule. If she wants to be VP she has to be able to handle it. Does anyone else think that this is offensive?




  1. I absolutely agree with you. The media, mostly controlled by the powers that be (Bush and big oil), know that Biden would eat her alive ina debate.

  2. For being a doesn't matter.

    For being's the name of the game.

    Rip to shreds to expose the republican party's inability to field a qualified candidate.

    If he makes her cry, he'll look mean.  She'll look like someone unprepared to be a vice president.  

  3. From what I hear, Biden is soft around any woman.

  4. Palin is tough she can pull her own weight I think she will be able to take whatever he dishes out.  

  5. Palin is  a tough cookie and can take care of

    herself so there's no need to play "soft" on

    her account.   Fair, yes! But, isn't that the way all debates should be? I like clean, fair debates by

    all parties.

  6. All they talked about is how we need someone with experence then they get her who has little and what exp. she has is in remote AlaskaHopefully itll be there downfall

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