
Do you think it's funny too ?

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I think it's hilarious to watch the cons heads spinning on thier necks over Obama and Biden. They know they're in for an a s s kicking and are helpless to do anything about it. Do you think it's as funny as I do?




  1. Yes, especially when they call Biden a multi-millionare. I betcha that's some info that BIG NEWS to Biden.  

  2. No, I'll tell you what's funny.

    What's funny is that Biden is 65 years old, has a degree in Political Science, and outside of elected government positions has no resume at all.   We all know that neither does Obama.

    So what makes this funny is that the Obama-Biden campaign is about "change", but their experience doesn't show any basis for them to be anything but "more of the same", being the concept that all of the answers come from the government.  They don't have any experience between them to indicate that they might suspect that the government is even occassionally the problem, rather than the solution.  Neither one has a day's experience facing the real problems of going to work, making a living, making payroll, meeting business tax obligations, or deciding ... well, anything substantial.

    Oh, they might win.  One thing is certain, though, and that is that there is no basis for a rational expectation of any real "change".

    If we really want "change", let's have some candidates who were bricklayers, doctors, or car salesmen, and stop choosing professional politicians and lawyers.  How about someone real for a change?  

  3. its hilarious that an old man is going to beat the c**p out of them.  

  4. I dont think it's funny...

  5. As a supporter, I'm not sure you should be laughing.  Personally I think it's funny (not funny "ha ha") how much "change" Biden can help Obama bring to Washington.  

  6. I think your scared.

  7. I think it is hilarious that Obama picked one of the most outspoken candidates AGAINST Obama in the primary.

    I also think it is hilarious that Obama actually said that Biden is not a Washington insider.  Is there anyone but the most brainwashed who did not laugh about that idiotic comment?

    Finally, I am laughing my butt off that Obama has slipped in the polls every time he opens his mouth lately.  Looks like Kerry all over again.

    I also got a good laugh at your confidence when it is VERY unfounded.

    ADDED:  Did you read your own link?  There was little change from mid-july.  And you are quoting a poll which has always had one of the widest margins.  Reuters/Zogby now has McCain up by 5%.  Almost all polls have been tightening for about a month.  We are not seeing a bump at all...AND historically there is always a bump from the VP announcement.  No bump for Obama.

  8. No matter what they do, the public is the loser.  We will be stuck with either McCain or Obama regardless of what head spinning goes on.

  9. Funny how Obama has not gotten a "bump" in the polls by selecting Biden.

    I thought Obama was about "change"...   Not someone being in politics for 35 years like Biden.

    Sounds like Obama could use some of his attack ads against McCain being a Washington insider against his VP choice.....

    kinda funny

  10. In this election and not trying to be a***e about anything or anyone , I believe that there is nothing funny about the elections in any way . The man elected will be our President for at least 4 years and what is going to happen . In today's day and time , we need more than ever a strong leader . Unfortunately there is not one running so we must pay attention to the elections and when we vote , vote our conscious

  11. Seriously? Can you tell me how Biden REALLY feels about Obama, he did and he "stood by his comments". Whoever decided to choose Biden as his running mate is just as clueless as the idiots who checked Obama's background before deciding he would be a great candidate. If he was all that, he would have a 15 pt lead in the polls.

  12. Whoa, 6 pct. points in a poll conducted by left-leaning ABC.  That *IS* an a s s kicking.  

    I thought the dems. were supposed to have this election wrapped up before the primaries.  Now, it looks like we're all going to have to vote in November.

    Growing up, you must not have hung out on the playgrounds much to see what a real a s s kicking looks like.

  13. I think its absolutely hilarious

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