
Do you think it's kind of inappropriate for grown women to judge the attractivness of high school aged boys?

by Guest32349  |  earlier

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just today, at my volunteer job at the med center, i was in the waiting room and i overheard these people talking... there was this attractive woman who looked like she was 35-45, who worked in neurology, and had 11 and 14 year old daughters. there were also two teenage girls who looked 15-17 and had some relation to the woman. as i was listening, i realized, this woman talks like she's 15. eventually, the teenage girls started talking about a boy who was their friend, and this woman said "by the way, he's cute, i like him". the way she said it sounded a lot like the way a teenage girl would say it about a teenage boy, not an "awww he's cute" type of thing.

does anybody else find it kind of inappropriate for mature women to be jugding young boys like that? what scares me is that she is educated, attractive, and a mom.




  1. My mom and I would be like "Oooh he's a cutie" and giggle like dorks when I was in high school.

    If she would have been like "Daaamn Kiks you should tap that" we would have had a problem.

    See the difference? :P

  2. sounds like she is living in her teen years. i tell my daughter i think so and so it cute (but not in a way that sounds like i want to be with him) she will probably one of those ladies who sleeps with you daughters boyfriends  eeeeewwwwwww

  3. Feminists say they want equality, but if it was middle aged men making the comments, they would be branded as perverts.

    Teen girls could bring a lawsuit and would easily win against such male perverts. Teen males would be laughed out of court.

    We live in The Feminist Republic of America.

  4. I think it’s highly inappropriate for any adult to be talking about teenagers like that. I think it is disgusting they were talking like that in front of the teenage girls too; that isn’t setting a very good example for those girls.

    Any adult that talks about kids like that is (and not it the cute or just appreciative way) trying to bring back the wonder years; or they are just plain sick in the head! I don’t know what I would do if I heard my mum or dad spoke like that in front of me; I know I would be horrified though.

  5. Nope.

  6. It is inappropriate for any adult to judge the attractiveness of any child. gender has nothing to do with it.

  7. It is inappropriate, but what are you going to do?

    These days so much of what we could have said years ago is policed, censured, Politically Corrected and sanitised.  Trouble is that things that should not be said are still said, and things that should be said may cause offence and lead us into trouble.

    As a male teacher, I would never make any comment, good bad, invited or uninvited about the appearance of a student unless it related specifically to the school uniform code for that school (I live in Australia, uniforms are pretty much standard in secondary schools), and even then I would most likely refer a girl to a female teacher unless I was very sure of the words I was saying, and that the student and I were surrounded by witnesses.

    As to your specific situation, I think it is tasteless, a bit, but I would need to have been there to obtain the nuances and true picture of what occurred.  I do think there is a double standard, but even if I found the conversation distasteful, even hypocritical, I should mind my own business unless the conversation is loud enough to disturb me.

  8. If that was all she said, I don't see that much concern over it.  If she's going on and on about his looks, that would be a little weird.

    It depends also on how she said it.  

    This isn't something really appropriate to be talking about much though.

  9. It's hard to judge for sure since I wasn't there.  I don't think there's anything wrong with an older woman describing  boy as cute or even acknowledging that he is good looking in an objective way.  I am 20 and my mother has told me that my boyfriend is handsome, I saw nothing wrong with it.

    However, if there was some sort of implied sexual desire in her statement it would be very inappropriate because the boy in question is underage.  As long as she wasn't saying that he was attractive sexually I don't think it's a problem.  So I guess this answer isn't really an answer.  Oh well!

  10. Not really. It just shows that people are only human. I've been told by some of my much older female mentors that I'm handsome. Didn't give it a second thought.

  11. There is nothing wrong with it. It could be that the lady could be trying to relate to the girls. Men have done this for years with their sons or other guys. I know because when I was a teen I had guys(men) calling out to me as well. The lady and the girls were a little more subtle compared to what I had to listen to. After awhile, I welcomed the attention and to this day have no problems with it at all.

    Now, if the lady came up and grabbed your butt and said you were hot, then she would be out of line.

    I think it is natural for people to be attracted to each other in someway regardless of the age and this can be completely harmless.

    Good luck and I hope you find the answer you are looking for.

    ; )

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