
Do you think it's ok my friend did this??

by  |  earlier

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she's been like one of my closest friends for the last 10 years. [long time, i kno]

so anyway, we were hanging out sunday night and she was like "hey are you desperate" [i'm looking for a bf is y she asked] i was like "ummm.. no? i'm not desperate!! but why?" she was like "well there's this guy that i could set you up with" and i said "who?" and she was talking about him and then eventually the convo faded into something else, and then last night i was txting her and i was like "btw you never told me more about that guy" and she goes "well um well i was just jokin about actually settin you up with him but he is a really sweet nice guy" i was a little hurt..she didn't act like she was joking AT ALL sunday night.. did i just take it the wrong way? idk i felt a little led on. :( and by my best friend!! so what do you think? did i take it the wrong way?





  1. maybe he found someone else

  2. maybe she is just telling a lie about the better not believe it until you really see the guy with your own eyes...although she is your best friend, that doesn't mean that she wont tell a lie...or maybe she is just joking all along...

  3. she may have thought you didn't seem interested so she just let it go  

  4. She probably didn't take serious if the conversation just faded away.  Maybe she already hooked up with him, and just didn't want to tell you.

  5. There's a need to talk to her seriously. Tell her what you've felt for what she had done. It is like what happened between my best friend and I..(in different way)

    It takes time before you can relieve the pain so you must have the right timing.

    Hope you'll be friends again. I think she didn't mean to hurt you.

    Just don't let her do the same thing again.

  6. i think u took it the rong way.

  7. Just ask her if she was really joking or not, and guilt her into apologising. =D

  8. I wouldn't pay to much attention to it.  Now if she was to keep on doing stuff like that then If I were you I just wouldn't go around her for a little bit.

  9. tbh, I dont think the joking bits the worrst.I'd be more offended that she thought you were desperate!Tell her how you feel.If she's a real gd mate which it sounds like she is, then she wont do it again!!


  10. If he's a nice guy, then why would she ask if you're desperate? Yea, you were led on. And how many best friends do you have? It's supposed to be one.

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