
Do you think it's okay for schools to practice corperal punishment?

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I just signed up my kids at a new school district and they use corporal punishment after first offenses of ANY rule breaking. I think this is ridiculous! Any other opinions?

My kids are going into K, 1st, and 2nd grades.




  1. I can't believe people try to equate troubled kids with lack of spanking, esspecially considering over 90% of todays parents spank. Spanking is only ONE punishment option. Obviousy kids need discipline and consequences, usually kids who are out of control don't get any at all. It doesn't mean it has to be spanking. I've never spanked any of my kids and they are all well disciplined.

    Sadly CP is legal in 23 states in school. Usually there is a paper you can sign stating you do not want it to be used. I live in a state where it is not legal for the school to use CP so it doesn't affect me and none of my kids have ever gotten into trouble at school anyway.

  2. thats is wrong!

  3. Nope, no one had better hit my kid.  There are much better ways to deal with bad behavior than bad behavior on the part of the adult.  You would think they could be arrested for that in this day and age.  I mean, if they hit another adult they would be, why is hitting a child any different.  FTR, I do spank, I'm not proud if it and its terribly unimaginative.  Unfortunately I, on occasion have a failure of imagination.

  4. **** NO!

    Edit: They must need your permission or their fathers or legal gaurdians to do that! They cant!

  5. I attended a school were they had corporal punishment back in the 80's and it is awful I can''t believe there is still a state out there that this would ne legal. I would home school or find an alternative, don't subject you children to any form of punishment that you would not practice in your own home this is outrageous. Why would you sign them up??

  6. I give people permission (in the nursery at church and my family) to spank my sons behind with their hand if it is needed.

    Schools SHOULD be able to do some sort of punishment for unruly kids.  Too many parents nowadays don't know how to tell their children to act right anymore.

    And why is that?  They don't discipline their children!

  7. No way.

    I personally think that any kind of physical violence (spanking, belt, etc.) against a child is completely wrong.

    Any right minded person would tell the child off for what they have done and use other methods of discipline (staying in bedroom, no TV, no video games, etc.) rather than inflict pain on them.

  8. Yes...

    I am 41yo, I grew up in a school system where paddling was common place.....and yes depending on the offense you could be paddled after the first offense....teacher discretion.

    I thought it worked well, and I recall that many unruly students have a change in behavior after a good paddling. I received a few myself, and am no worse for the wear.

    Why are you so upset about it??? 'Time out' just doesn't work anymore...Just about the time schools did away with corporal punishment we began to see a rise in violence against teacher and administrators, violence against other students and shootings....

    you are free to send your children to private school....jeez, stop whining! What are your teaching your kids?? That they can get away with anything...if you or your children do not want corporal punishment, simply follow the rules....

  9. Only if you do that at home they need to have similar punishment all around, though I am strongly against corporal punishment.

  10. usually you can sign something saying you don't want that punishment done on your kids.  obviously different school districts do different things, but my school has that and my son's been in trouble a couple of times, but they have never used corporal punishment.  i actually think kids wouldn't be so bad if the teachers were allowed to do more.

  11. Yes, I do..

    Bring back spanking and stop school shootings.

  12. Yes I think it's ridiculous. But I guess it just depends on the school district. I'd guess that in most cases though the school wouldn't be able to administer it without written permission from the parents/guardians. And to be honest, I wouldnt do it. Nobody is going to be spanking my kids except myself and their mother, which has only happened maybe 5 times total among all 3 of my kids. I believe discipline begins at home. And if they are raised the right way, that kind of discipline at school should not be needed. But that's just my opinion.

  13. That's horrible, I would never let my kids into a school that has corporal punishment!

  14. Looking at our society today, SOMEBODY sure needs to!

  15. I think it's ridiculous. You should be able to sign forms that state they can't hurt your children, though. Just because you live in a state that allows corporal punishment doesn't mean your family has to participate.  

  16. no thats never ok

  17. I don't think it's right if my kids need a spanking I would do it not the should be able to sign a wavior so that they can not do this.  That's what I had to do at my daughter's school. she is going into the 3rd grade.

  18. They can only use it with parental consent if I'm not mistaken.  Get it in writing that you don't consent to it.

  19. I think at is horrible.  I would not allow my kids to go to school there.  I mean if parents want to spank that is their choice, but a school should never raise a hand to a child, EVER.

  20. absurd, absurd.  I would never, ever allow that.  There are other schools out there.  Complain, complain, complain, or move them.

    Best of luck to you.

  21. change ur kids to a different school u arew the only person that should be allowed to do this go to a laywer and have them draw up a paper saying that the school factualy members are not allowed to use corporal punishment and where are u at so i know never to go there

  22. Please find another school for your little ones!

    It's against the law in much of Europe to hit children. I'm shocked to hear it it still happening at your school!

    "A campaign called "Global Initiative To End All Corporal Punishment Of Children" hopes to achieve full prohibition of all corporal punishment of children worldwide. The UN Study on Violence against Children sets a target date of 2009 for universal prohibition, including in the home. School discipline in the West generally avoids physical correction altogether. The United States, where paddling remains legal in several states, is now the only significant exception to this..."

  23. i agree with u! I don't think thats rite.

  24. No one hits my children if they plan on living.  I never hit my children and no one else is going to either.  My children certainly wouldn't be going there.

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