
Do you think it's possible casey anthony is so horrified at what she may have done/have allowed ?

by  |  earlier

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to happen to her daughter she has been acting in the manner she has as a defense mechanism of sorts? Like maybe she just can't admit or accept it? Not defending her by any means, just curious...




  1. I think it is possible.

  2. No. I think she is just that selfish. She also thought she could get away with it. She would have if her mother had not made the 911 call.  

  3. Yes.

    It's called pathological pyschopath. When they start believing their own lies, and minupulating other people in their web of lies in order to cope.

    Some people actually develop several other personalities in order to deal with such raw tradegy.

    She may have been hopped on drugs or whatever when she was out there paryting, but she is still doing it, which leads any sane person to realize that she is not all there. Neither is her Mother.

  4. She seems like a real nice woman to me and she is really a hot babe.I bet some cop killed the kid and is framing this beautiful woman th protect himself. Cops do it all the time.

  5. She doesn't seem to be the least concerned about her daughter.

    She's very cold.

  6. Casey is looking out for #1; herself.  It's that simple.

  7. NO, NO she is methodical, and munipulating. You do not

    go out looking for boyfriends, and partying when your child

    is missing. She is void of emotion and the child is dead at

    her hands. Casey will go to her grave with a clear conscience,

    just like Manson, or Damer eating a 'happy human meal'

    Please dont fall for the 'smile' (its really a frown turned up

    side down - she is pure  E V I L ) ! ! !

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