
Do you think it's possible for a 7 weeks baby....?

by Guest10650  |  earlier

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to feel uncomfortable cause of teeth start coming up or is it too early???

he's got temperature since yesterday and he's producing lots of saliva.

has this happen to anyone yet??? what did you gave her??




  1. IT's possible. It is early for any teeth to break through but it isn't early for them to start teething. My daughter started teething around the same time.

    PS: Regarding the fever. Fever is normal in teething babies, but it shouldn't be high. If it is a high fever then yes, called your ped. If it isn't, just keep an eye on it.

  2. You should call your Dr and tell them if your little one is getting a temperature, it's not good in a baby so young.  It's not too early to start teething, my cousin and her daughter was born 2 teeth so teeth can come through at any time.

  3. Sounds like the common symptoms of teething to me but i am not sure if he would start teething at 7 weeks. Just phone your health visitor and ask their advice they won't mind advising you at all.  

  4. Please call your pediatrician.  A fever in a infant is not a good thing especially at 7 weeks.

  5. babies can be born with teeth so it is possible that he is teething...i would take him to the doctor though right away because a fever is nothing to mess with, teething or could be an infection...take him to the doctors asap because an infection can get worse very fast in an infant...

    good luck

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