
Do you think it's possible for both people in a relationship to have dominate-type personalities?

by  |  earlier

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why or why not?

what about 2 submissive types?

do you think relationships work out best when there is a submissive partner and a dominate partner?




  1. may start out that way...but, honestly the domineering personality will persevere...and things will never be the same...

    ....two submissive will outdo each other trying to please the other...

    ...each exchanging the role of Dom/Sub will endure in the long term...

    ...thanks for asking...

  2. Yes, but not towards each other.

  3. That's a  lot to think  on,   heres  one  more   a  submissive  person  who  then  becomes more  dominate. (ever  heard  "he/she  never  acted  like  that  when we  married" ) I  think  2  dominate  would  constant be in  trouble  but  2   submissive  wold  carry on.   I  do  know  a  case  of  two  schizophrenic /bio polar likes ,  their  house  is  always  up and down  with  something  going  on.

  4. Two dominates can make it in a relationship but it will be hard, each one will want the other to follow their lead. Two sub missives won't work either. One of each is the answer.

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