
Do you think it's possible that the "gods & goddesses" of Mythology...could have been aliens from early days?

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(Guess where I've been "visiting"! lol)




  1. Nah...

  2. Were then, are now.  See link.

  3. Personally I'm more intersted in the aliens that helped build the pyramids.

    While the ancient Greeks believed in their gods, they didn't quite _believe_ in their gods in the sense that judeochristian religions do. They freely created new stories about them and changed previous ones. Their gods were their stories and entertainment as well as their religion.

    So in that case, I guess no, although anything's possible!

  4. when I read the guy's books, what's his name, Erich von Daniken or something, it sounds pretty convincing. But then I can think of 4 other explanations that would also sound plausible. So I am going to go with a no here.

  5. I don't know about Aliens, but I do know that it's a distinct possibility that they really do/did exist. I've had contact I'm not allowed to share here that opened my mind a bit. There's a lot we really don't know.

  6. i think so, look up aliens or angles on youtube its some scary deep stuff.

  7. Its a common thread among conspiracy and UFO buffs. Check this website out, it has a video of ancient astronauts that is pretty interesting. There is other cool vids here too.

  8. First of all, I want to say this is very confusing question. No one can say it is right or not. Personally, I think there are gods & godesses with considering that GOD is something supernature, nonmaterial and it exists before the universe has been created. I am wondering constantly about 3 followings:

    1. The very accuracy of physical constants (gravity, Plank's, ...) If we beleave in Big Bang theory, so we can imagine that if there was only very small change of those constants (about 10e-14) then the universe couldn't grow by the way that the life can appear (very cold or very hot, ...)

    2. By the Young's experiment, how twin photons "know momentally" about state of each other. If there any theory like that "Two intelligent lifes couldn't existed at the same time"? If there is, so we can't find any alliens.

    3. If we don't beleave in the existing of GOD, so we ussually beleave in that all of universe including human are material. But if we look deeper at quark level, there is no certain material, it's only a chaos of quark transformation which happens very quickly and continuosly. So there is nothing as "material"

    P/S. Please excuse me for my non-native English. I appreciate your help very much

  9. nice thinking it can be posiable or they were living too high so there brain got less oxygen and they started to imgine different thing like strange gods.

  10. It is possible, after all John Travolta and Tom Cruise are waiting for the MOTHER SHIP to arrive.

  11. yes

    and nowas ark is a space ship

    we nead to talk call me

  12. Actually I saw a documentary on this last week. They were comparing the discovered bones of dinosaurs as possible "mythical" creatures. Such as the leg bone of a Mastadon looks much like the leg bone of a human - just bigger. The skull (sans tusks) would look oddly mishapen. So the theory is is that Romans & Greeks found the bones & assumed they were something mythical & monstrous - they didn't have the knowledge then to realize they were giant lizards.

    That's the theory on the Discovery Channel anyway...

  13. Research Ninti, Enki and Anu.

    If you look at Egyptian gods that were half-human and immortal - it could appear that they are genetic mutations - with longer chromasone life. - Not immortal - just 10x longer than ours.

    Sumarian and Babylonian carvings indicate a high level of technology regarding genetic engineering.

    Even the decendants of these "gods" would share some of the longevity, but would eventually be outbread. - An they say Noah lived for 900 years? - makes you wonder?

    Greek mythology is full of strange half-breeds - Minataurs, mermaids - hundreds of weird combinations.

    This creates more questions - why? - what purpose did they have? - Gold production using slaves? or something else?

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