
Do you think it's possible they found Big Foot?

by Guest60692  |  earlier

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These guys in GA say they found Big Foot and they are preparing to run tests on him. Do you think it's even close to possible they found a creature like this on American soil?




  1. I hope so. I would have believed in Big Foot more about 30 years ago. It's not that I don't but you get more skeptical with old age (past 50). But I hope it is him or them, or whatever. If not, well there's always a chance he's still out there somewhere (like the X-files say-the truth is out there.)

  2. I think the governments been found him a long longggg time ago but its just one of their many secrets. ive heard of one in everglades. i think the real big foot is lying in a cellar next to the chupacabra in area 54.

  3. Very interesting.  I'm going to see if I can find out more about the press conference.  I think darn near anything is possible, but if they really have a body & DNA evidence and all, that will make it factual.  

    I think it would be a good thing, as it would probably be inspirational for lots of people.  However, I'm afraid that once people know where to find these things, they'll take all the mystery out of it.  If a species like bigfoot exist, I fear it may not be for long!

  4. Not hardly.  Look at the new footage and pictures.  The rate of decomposition is not uniform. Why is the body so decayed and the head is relatively pristine? Obviously whoever is trying to pass this corpse/head off for the real deal has never seen a real animal that has died in the woods and is in an advanced stage of decay. The news media also stated that those same two guys perpetuated a Big Foot hoax only two years ago.  So we're supposed to believe that now they're telling the truth.  Right!


  5. no

    If you noticed at the press conference, the men who claim to have "discover" Bigfoot are constantly fidgeting. A sure sign of saying "we're just making this up for publicity"

    If you look at the pictures closely, everything is blurred. What kind of camera are they using?!? You could buy a $90 camera and it would still turn out better than the ones they took.

    They said to the reporters to pay them money and they will show them the "bigfoot", lying dead in a styrophone box. If they actually did find "bigfoot", they would not hesitate to show everyone the REAL creature for free.

    They just want the money and publicity.

  6. I think it is possible that they found big foot dna and stuff like that.

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