
Do you think it's possible to be happy without romantic relationships?

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I had my first heart break, I just have a void in me that will probably never be filled again for a really long time. And when it is filled, it won't be filled with a guy. It'll be filled with my love of arts and travel.




  1. A cat or a dog can be a good replacement, and they will love you the way you are. A baby is also fulfilling, but harder to get, more costly, and requires more commitment.

  2. yes, life is complex and offers many opportunities.

  3. Your answer is so perceptive. You have already begun to ove on and realized your strength from within.  Arts and travel will fill the void for now but will lead to needing a bigger vessel when you find the special person to be with who joins you, arts and travel into one.

  4. Of course! Heartbreaks are always tough. However, you can view them as a learning experience. The only person who can make you happy is yourself. Depending on another person to fill a 'void' is never a good idea. You'll figure all this out on your own. For now, keep positive and enjoy your arts and travel!  

  5. Yes and yes.Your heartache will pass.The most important relationship you will have is with yourself.Romance can be a wonderful thing,but is not necessary to a happy and fullfilled life.Remember too, it is better to be happy and alone than unhappy in  a relationship.

    Best of luck on lifes fascinating journey!

  6. I do believe that you can have the happiness you want when you begin to realize that your happiness is not relative to someone else - happiness and joy are inside you, given to you through the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  It is everlasting and there inside you to call on when you need it.  It's the kind of happiness that is not based upon emotion and the likeliness of someone else being in your life. It is not temporary.  It took me a long time to realize this.  I had heartache too.  My heartache in some ways continues because I am still in love with the man that I am no longer with.  We were dangerous to each other and I had become dependant upon that in order to create a life of what I thought was happiness.  It took a long time for me to realize how love works.  I have to love from a distance.  When you become totally dependant upon someone else to provide your joy and happiness, you are giving away the best part of yourself and you will find it's not love, it's not happiness and it's not joy.  It is all superficial.  I had to get involved with things that made me excited and pleased.  I learned to give of myself.  I began to teach children and the joy and happiness that was inside of me came out in ways that I cannot explain.  I only know that my work and the friends and family that I have are the sources of my happiness.  My Jesus is the source of my happiness and that love and happiness never fails.  I encourage you to find something to do.  Someone who needs your love and support (the elderly, homeless) God has given us gifts and talents to use to help others and through others and the work we do to support, He pours his love in us and his happiness and his joy and you will find it never, ever goes away.  I am praying for you and for the joy of the Lord to return to you in great measure.  

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