
Do you think it's possible to comunicate with the dead?

by  |  earlier

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I have loved ones who I'd love to talk to.




  1. Yes, but they can't answer.

  2. They can communicate with you via letters, video tapes and recordings that they made before they died.  However, once they are dead, you cannot reach them.

  3. There is no credible evidence that it's possible.  We have no evidence whatsoever of a living person hearing what a dead person is saying.  Without that, we have no way of knowing whether any dead person can hear what any living person is saying.

  4. YES i believe you can,many who don't believe will have a love one appear to them or something then they become believers or just  witness something paranormal.There's many ghost hunting shows,one good one is ghost hunters on scifi every time they use a device to talk to the dead they get a response back.Then there's these dumb psychics who say they always talk to the dead but who knows?

  5. scientifically, you can't

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