
Do you think it's possible to determine if the lady is

by Guest59578  |  earlier

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a daddy girl or a manja girl from the way she speak and the tone of her voice




  1. You can determine all you like. But doesn't mean you are definitely right

  2. Some of em, you can tell right away. Run!!!

    Some of em, by the time you find out, it's too late...dah terjebak...god help you. He he!

  3. ya

  4. Yes... I suppose. Observe the behaviour too as it could confirm your suspicions. Try not to judge a person too soon though

  5. cant.... my gfs liek that one.. but they actually very ganaz one...

  6. first impression tell all..

    PEACE =D

  7. It could be possible.

  8. can also determine whether she is a rude or just manja by her voice too...

  9. 70/30

    major on yes

  10. very possible, dear Jedi.

  11. Its possible but there are lady whose given voice are as such, therefore dont judge a person based on voice alone.  

  12. yes for me it can determine

  13. Maybe not the tone, but definitely what comes out of her mouth (what she says) and her attitude.

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