
Do you think it's possible to develop a hyperthyroid??

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For someone who did not naturally have it, without taking T3 or any drugs?




  1. Yes my son developed it 4 years ago.  He lost 3 stone in weight, and was hyperactive. Eventually after going to Dr. and having a blood test he was diagnosed and susequently treated with medication and radio active iodine.  O.K now.

  2. Hyperthyroidism is the term for overactive tissue within the thyroid gland, resulting in overproduction and thus an excess of circulating free thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or both. The term is also often used more loosely to describe any syndrome of excess thyroid hormone (more properly termed hyperthyroxinemia), regardless of the source. Thyrotoxicosis is the term for symptomatic hyperthyroxinemia. Thyroid hormone is important at a cellular level, affecting nearly every type of tissue in the body. It functions as a stimulus to metabolism, and is critical to normal function of the cell. In excess it overstimulates, causing "speeding up" of various body systems, and thus symptoms: Fast heart beat results in palpitations, a fast nervous system in tremor and anxiety symptoms, a fast digestive system in weight loss and diarrhea. Lack of functioning thyroid tissue results in a symptomatic lack of thyroid hormone, termed hypothyroidism.

    Functional thyroid tissue producing an excess of thyroid hormone occurs in a number of clinical conditions. The major causes in humans are:

        * Graves' disease (the most common etiology with 70-80%)

        * Toxic thyroid adenoma

        * Toxic multinodular goitre

    High blood levels of thyroid hormones (most accurately termed hyperthyroxinemia) can occur for a number of other reasons:

  3. yes it's possible.  I developed it about 8 years ago and had to have my thryoid removed.  Good luck.

  4. Um, you can just develop it at any random time at any point of your life, any age if that's what you mean...

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