
Do you think it's possible to get my Bachelors degree while in the active duty air force?

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I'm currently thinking about joining the active duty Airforce. I was supposed to take the fall semeter but decided I might as wel join now. I was just wondering if anyone thought if it is actually possible to get my Bach in BIOLOGY while in the military. With that degree I'd have to take Labs and most of the time they are during the day so I'm not sure how that would work out. Does anyone have any advice? Oh i'm 22 by the way and I have two years left to finish my degreee. I thought I might as well join now because pretty soon I'll have to be established on my own. My other option is to stay here go to school and work a part time job.




  1. You can take night class or go to class doing the lab time and then just work the grave yard shift. I would work trying to get your school done but do what makes you happy. Like you said you only have two years left. Get it done if not your still very young. Just don't put your life on hold. You don't want to wake up in 5 years or 10 thinking what you could of or would of been.  

  2. Look people have the wrong idea about joining the military. Sure you do it for patriotic reasons but its like buying a car. You have to come at it from the angle that you are a well qualified person ready to be trained it what ever YOU want to do the branch you are joining. If you want to go to school the Air Force is good for that . You are usually land based in decent locations. There are many 8 to 5 jobs. Unlike the Navy where you could be stationed on a ship working 12 hours on 12 hours off. Pick a job in the Air force that will help you on the outside and after you go to school for that job. Start taking classes to finish your degree. With some college hours under your belt you may be able to go in as an officer or your other option could be ROTC. You would be going to school on the military dime and getting paid at the same time. After you graduate you have to commit to a specific amount of time of active duty service.

    I guess what I am saying is make the military work for you as well as you working for the defense of your country. Its the beauty of our US military being a all volunteer service.

    Thanks for listening

  3. I finished a dual undergrad degree in Biology and Chemistry in just under five years while enlisted.

    I volunteered for night duty and went to class during the day.

    {edit}  Yes, and the Air Force paid for the majority of it.  Then they paid to send me to Graduate School.

  4. The needs of the air force will come first...if you can fulfill those needs,

    between your class studies and military duty, it's possible you could get it done.  There are a lot of distractions...keeping focused will be one of your greatest challenges to your study.

  5. It really will depend on what kind of AFSC (Job) you will have in the AF and how supportive your chain of command is

  6. no.  at least not easily and probably NOT within 4 years unless you stayed with your current school.. and if(WHEN) you get stationed someplace far away that doesn't allow you attend to classes in person.....  you will NOT get special consideration to take Labs, so you would have to work something out..either take weekend or evening classes or work the night shift.  

    also: you will NOT be permitted to take college courses while in a training status.. Basic training as well as your follow on schooling.  If that schooling lasts a while.. well, you could easily be spending your first 2 years unable to further your education.  Then you have to factor in deployments and the job..which ALWAYS takes will have duty days and other times where you are not allowed or able to take outside college classes.  

    does it happen? sure, all the time.. but it takes a LOT of commitment and really really REALLY good time management skills.  

    the Navy has a program called STA-21.. where they pay you to attend college full and get your degree( a 4 year degree in three years) since you already have 2 years knocked out, you would be a  good candidate for consideration if you met all the other requirements.

  7. I will tell you what my brother who is a Captain in the AF told my son before he enlisted in the AF.  Officers look down on people that are just joining the military to get a college education.  Most jobs in any branch are serious, but the AF spends the most time and $$ training their people.  Therefore he said to spend two years learning your job, passing your certifications, cdcs, etc.  Then you can start taking online or night classes and earn your degree.

    Think about this....what if you get a job that you have to take tech schools for a long time.  Linguists go for a year and a half!  Intelligence goes for at least a year.  That tech school IS YOUR school.  No time for anything else.

    If you don't want to join the military to make a difference, just please finish your education first.  Good luck to you!

    **What CM said about ROTC is a GREAT idea!!  They have AF ROTC units at many colleges all over the country.  When you get out, you have your college degree and also you are an officer.  I think for you this would work well.  Again, good luck!

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