
Do you think it's possible to have PTSD in your afterlife?

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Could this be why spirits won't "go to the light"? Or.. could it be why they reenact what happened to them over and over?




  1. Let me address this from a mental health perspective since PTSD is a disorder. Yes, if your counselor in the after life believes in the older standard treatments where you are forced to relive the experience(s) every time you talk with him/her the success rate of treatment (dismal) will be the same in the after life as it is in this life.

    If on the other hand you are allowed to talk about your after life, what you want to make of it, how you want it to be, etc. then you may still have the diagnosis (some never go away) but you will no longer have the symptoms of the disorder.

    Of course I hope the other answers are right and that an after life brings heaven (or something) that is healing of our bodily and mind challenges.


  2. I am a PTSD diagnosed veteran and childhood sufferer, and if you have a grudge it would not let you go to the light.

    Negative energy could hold you in a different dimension than positive energy.  This is supported by current theories of physics.

  3. When you hear or read ghost stories, usually the ghost had a traumatic passing.   This idea must have been around in folk tales for a very long time.  So, there is likely something to it.

  4. Since we don't know anything to the contrary, it's possible for anything to happen in the afterlife, if indeed an afterlife actually exists. Anything you can imagine, it's possible to happen. The world of conjecture is only limited by the imagination.

  5. good question..

    i believe the dead that tries to communicate w/ our souls are the ones that hav failed at something.. if we are vulnerable enough, thus an isolated soul is often weak or scared, this might be the wrong way into the afterlife...i believe we hav to be at peace nd don't want too much here on earth.  

    did that make anysense? When you get in touch with your strengths as an adult, and create an emotionally safe environment for yourself, you will be able to help the inner child overcome the fears and trauma.

  6. I don't know what your understanding of that afterlife is. I believe it is heaven and h**l. And yeah, h**l is problem one pretty huge case of PTSD, multiplied by eight kazillion. In heaven there will be healing, so no PTSD.

  7. Excellent question. I've always felt that 'passing over' means clarity and answers, not more trials,(unless one went to h**l).

    Why a person/entity would stay in some sort of limbo between the Light and h**l is another subject of research. A guess would be the person wasn't condemned to h**l, and yet stubbornly refused their Heavenly birthright for some reason. Even on this plane, we should always 'go to the light'.

  8. emergia is right on, no ptsd in the afterlife if it is Heaven, h**l on the other hand is prsd plus for eternity. get saved and live for God look at the news this world system is headed for destruction. God loves you no matter what your life is or has been. been there.

  9. I like to think that the afterlife will bring peace to everyone after all the trials of life. I don't think PTSD will be a factor. Of course I don't know for sure, but I expect the truth will present itself soon enough. In the meantime, life is a treasure.

    PTSD can disrupt a life and make it difficult for the traumatized person to function. I've provided a link for those interested in learning more.

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