I'm thinking of asking for a raise. I made a big mistake and did not negotiate my salary at all when I got hired. In fact, I lowballed it in hopes that I would get hired so my parents would get off my back about getting a "real job" (I waitressed all through college, graduated, and then waitressed for another 6-7 months before getting this job). I asked for $30g/year, figuring that because I make about 500/week in tips waitressing (100-150/shift, 4 shifts a week), and 500*52=26000, I should be FINE with 30,000/year right? Wrong! I forgot to factor in 1)my waitressing paychecks, which were usually about $150 every 2 weeks (4,000/year) AND 2)the fact that the $500/week was cash. No taxes. All take-home.
After taxes my paycheck for this job is about $925 every 2 weeks, so I'm really only taking home $24,050/month. When I was waitressing I was taking home $30,000 a year. That's a difference of almost $500/month! Not to mention that the place that I work now is about 20 miles further than the bar I waitressed at, and it costs about $200/month in gas just to get there everyday. Basically, I'm freakin broke. My credit card balances are climbing up and I really feel like I should talk to someone about a salary increase. I'm in Phoenix, AZ so it's not like NY or LA but rent is pretty high (Studios are $650/month, one bedrooms about $800) and I just feel like I made a big mistake and should have stayed waitressing. I'm single as well, so I don't have a husband or anything to help with the rent or bills.
My 6 month review should be happening soon (It's actually been 8 months but I was supposed to get one and never did..this company kind of has a communication problem). I've been doing fine, been given a lot of responsibilities. My immediate supervisor resigned a month ago and I've been in charge of all of his responsibilites since then.
Do you think that if I arrange for a (late) 6 month review, I would be valid in asking for a salary increase?