
Do you think it's ridiculous that so many women think it's cute to have a baby daddy? ?

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What is with some of these people? How is it that some of these people are ok with making babies but cant commit to the women they're knocking up.

How many baby daddys is to much? How many baby mamas is to much? Is it ok to have 3, 4 or 5 baby mothers? When does morals and values play a role?

And who's paying for all these kids... Oh thats right, i forgot...




  1. I have never said that. I think it sounds stupid when people say that.

  2. I dont think its cute at all.  

  3. I agree with you. I don't know what changed.

  4. No it's not cute at all in my opinion. How about the word FAMILY

  5. I agree with you. My husband and I were talking about this the other day. It is like people have created a new type of relation. Marriage and values are so far gone because our society has taken God our of everything.  

  6. I know! I can't stand it..I feel like smashing them in the head and sayin grow up he is the father of the baby. Makes me so angry to hear a mother say that..And they don't care..they just say "ok were pregnant we will let the state take care of us for the next 18 years" OR plus because after the first one they always have like 3 more knowing THEY can't take care of them or afford them! Or the gals that come on here and have money for the internet but not pampers..oh dear lord bless these children. I just found out i'm pregnant and my husband and I do not have insurance because we just switched companies about 2 months ago..I CAN'T find help any where because "we make too much money" but these lil hooches can milk welfare for 20 some years ..but i make too much money....I HEAR YOU!  

  7. I think it's selfish and low-class.  Women think the babies will be cute toys or accessories for them to carry around, and men think they are more macho for spreading their seed.  Meanwhile neither of them gives a thought to who will pay for the child.  But it doesn't stop them from continuing to have children.  Ugh, what a disgusting lifestyle.

  8. I just stumbled upon this question in doing research about my pregnancy and can't believe it! Who are you to say what's right for others? At this point, you are not asking a question, rather TELLING women to not have children til they are married... which is absurd! What is wrong with young or older unmarried women having children unmarried? These unmarried mothers may be well educated, have a great career, and all the means to make a happy family without marriage! Not everyone is religious or thinks marriage is necessary for a happy family. A mother, father and child married or not IS a FAMILY. Marriage is a piece of paper and a religious ceremony. I hope you are not a parent, as if you are I can only imagine the close-minded children you will raise, if you think you have the right to tell other women what to do.

    PS- I'm 20, pregnant, unmarried, a student in college, a worker, an animal rescuer, a volunteer, and I have an amazing family and life ahead of me, a supportive boyfriend who will one day be my husband if I CHOOSE, and my life will be great, because I will love my family and take care of them...

    If you want to talk about FAMILY... learn what is important. Because it isn't religious ceremonies or documents... it is love, comfort, trust, honesty, and so on.

    I do not agree with having multiple "baby daddy's" but what is wrong with being with one person, loving them, having children with them, and not getting married? And supporting eachother?

  9. My family is European and we are not raised that way we are raised to get married and stay with that person and not go roaming around like people around here, I find it sickning that there are women out there and all their kids are from different daddys its just ridicilous.. Not even because in Europe its different even if i wasnt from europe i would still think its ridicilous!  

  10. I think it is kinda pathetic to use the phrase "baby daddy" - some people use it seriously and that's really sad.

    So many people have forgotten about SOME FORM of values.

  11. Oh wow, you're so naive! In this day and age it is definitely not the norm to be married before getting pregnant. Honestly with 50% of marriages ending in divorce, I personally think it's better not to get married. It's a big legal and financial hassle when it inevitably ends. I should know, I've been married and divorced twice and before you judge me take a moment to think about the fact that you don't know the situation or circumstances. I'm now pregnant by my boyfriend - by the way I was told by my doctor that I couldn't have babies, so it's not like I was just being careless. My boyfriend wants to marry me, but I'm not convinced that it won't end just like the other two and he respects that. We have a great life together the way it is now, why do I need a piece of paper to prove my commitment?

    I do not use the term "baby daddy," I call him my boyfriend. I don't think it's cute, it just happened and now I'm going to take care of my baby to the best of my ability. I don't plan on having 5 babies by 5 different men, and I don't think my baby is an accessory. My boyfriend and I both have very good jobs and will not be requiring the help of the state, food stamps, government cheese, or anyone else to raise this child.

    P.S. I think people who make assumptions about things they know nothing about are ridiculous.

  12. i don't fuqking no.  i have 3 kids and my husband is the father of my 3 kids.  my cousin has 4 kids....2 dads.....but, he left her.  i know someone else that has 4 kids by 3 different guys.  my brother in law has 4 kids and married to his high school sweetheart.  my husband and i have been married for 5 yrs and yes we had 2 kids out of wedlock but, we did get married.  our kids are 6...4...and 3.  i don't know what is with people and unwed marriages.....out of wedlock marriages....and have 3 or more kids with 3 or more men.  i think it's bullshyt!!!  i'm sorry but, even these girls that are 13...14...15...16...17....and 18 getting pregnant.  they don't realize what goes into having a kid.  the single moms can live off of welfare and the stupid welfare office doesn't put there d**n foot down and say no!!  i get wic but, other than that with my hubby working i don't get anything else but, his income.  we are not eligible for anything but, people that can sit on there asses and get it left and that's bullshyt.  that's why they are baby factories.....cause they know that they can get money for free.  we're atleast trying!!  i would love to fight it but, i don't know where to start.  

  13. Wow...

    I cant speak for the women, but for me...

    I'm a ex-husband, a baby daddy, and a son's father. I have 2 baby mommas and a ex wife. I don't think its a negative in and of itself. But i do see how there are negatives in having a slew full of kids with no means to support them.

    I was married when I had my first child. It didn't work out, oh well life goes on. We both take care of our daughter equally.  My second child came from a relationship that lasted 4 years but never bloomed into marriage. We both take care of our son equally.

    My third child was born from another relationship that never resulted in marriage. Things happen, life goes on and once again we both take care of our son equally.

    So yes I have 3 baby mommas, and 3 babies, that I love and cherish. With no shame nor regrets. Do I advocate having babies out of wedlock? Nah, but I don't condemn anyone who has. I would rather have my 3 kids by their 3 moms, than to have all with one evil "B" who I had the misfortune of marrying and now she has taken them all and disappeared into the sunset.

  14. Well the men that are getting the women pregnant are not forcing them to get pregnant. Women are getting pregnant by these dead beat guys and then complaining that their "baby daddy" is a loser. What do you expect, I blame the women they should protect themselves.  

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