
Do you think it's right for a mother love love some of her children more than others? All by the same parents?

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Im just tired of it....I dont know why mother treats me like my other siblings are better than i am...she always make me feel unwanted and like i dnt belong. She would give all the others exepting to me and if she does give me anything my sister always make a fuss and then my mother would take it back from me and give it to her..Do u think it's jealousy? Nothing else makes sense why they behave that way...




  1. hi i know that its hard to see ur mother behave with u by a way and the others by a different way .in my opinion just sit with ur mum and try politly to understand why she is doing that and belive me every thing will be fine so i hope u all the best and good luck .if u want to say  more just send me an e-mail .my e-mail is

  2. I think it's not that mothers love one child more than another. I think mothers love all their children equally. But it's about who they get along with better. I am the oldest of three and my mom and I do everything together, but she never does anything with my two sisters. I think it's because we both love to shop and get our nails done, for instance. Both of my sisters hate to do that so she doesn't really hang out with them. Just like I love both of my parents the same. But I like to hang out with my mom more because we have more things in common. It's just some personalities click and others don't. You can love a lot of people equally, such as your friends, parents, siblings, and grandparents. But you might like a certain ones personality more. I think a parent should never ever, under any circumstance tell one of their children they love the other one more. If your mother did this, then she is really messed up.  Hope I helped :)

  3. Your mother is very wrong. As a mom I can say I love my two boys the EXACT same & with all of my heart. I could never choose one over the other.

  4. Your mother is mentally ill. My ex bf had a mother that treated him like that and he can't have a long term relationship because he has to keep searching for the next person to fall in love with him.

    My mother liked one of my brothers better than the other (and they are identical twins!).  She said Andy was easier to love then Bob (not their real names).  My mother is one sick person as far as I am concerned.

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