
Do you think it's right for any mother to hit there child after they had surgery for doing something minor?

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Like swearing. My mom hit me after i called her a name because she took my crutch for surgery and was throwing me around with it...I didn't call her anything before this only after she hurt me. Plus she came over and she hit me in my face 4 times....May i remind you this is all after my surgery.




  1. Your surgery has got nothing to do with it.

    You called your mum names, that is disrespectful.

    If my children do that they get sent upstairs with sore bottoms.

  2. id call childline if i was u pet, she sounds like a right bully!

  3. Since you choose to not reveal the "surgery",  it may be assumed it was not cardiac in nature. You would have maximized the material facts to cry for support.  Your mother should always strike you for calling her names.  If you American children, would act like responsible human beings,  this great nightmare would not have happened.  Get ready to return to school.   Or get a job.  There is nothing identified by you that is stopping you from being a productive person.  Wash your own clothes as a protest against your mom.  That is good way to "get even."  Rather than coming here with half a story for a vote.  

  4. I don't think it right but mothers some time are going through some kind of stress and they take it out on who every is there. I don't she meant anything by it.  

  5. No that is not right, a smack on bum 4 cursing bit not right but bit more acceptable but throwing you about with crutch & hitting you in face 4 times is just evil.  I could not do that to anyone let alone my own child.  I take it this is not the 1st time make sure it is the last & seek help!!  Good luck!! x

  6. She shouldn't have done that... even if you DIDN'T have surgery.  

  7. no i dont think that is right at all

  8. no and tell her to read this YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PARENT AND SOUNDS LIKE YOUR ABUSIVE THAT'S WRONG YOU REMIND ME PURELY OF MY MOTHER when i was like 10 she had hit me across my thigh with a wooden broom and she hit me so hard it broke on me so i mean this all just brings back memories so i think it is very wrong

  9. Call child line on 0800 1111 and talk to them about it. Your mum should NOT be treating you like this! And to milan there IS a law that you shouldn't hit your children! x

  10. NO!  depending on how old you are that is child abuse and you should call social services.

    if you are over the legal age for consent in your state then call the cops and take papers out on her.  that would be your choice though.

    that would really p**s me off if my mom did that.

  11. your mother shouldn't have done this to you doesnt matter if you had surgery or not she shouldnt have hit you  

  12. I think you should get out of the house, she sounds a little abusive. She migh tbe having her own issues she needs to work out, but either way if she is hurting you, then maybe you should retreat to your grandparents house or someone else iny our family until she was work out her own ****.

  13. it wasn't right for your Mum to hit you but then you shouldnt have sworn at her.  you should have more respect for a parent.  i hope you are ok i bet she is sorry she lost her temper.

  14. well if you had been cursing then I would have washed your mouth out. But anyways her house her rules.

  15. NO!!!!!!!!!!!! you should not hit your children even if they have called you a name. I think that when your mum is not around then you should contact the police or social services and they will help you out... I think that tom is out of order, hope i helped x

  16. no i don't think its right for your mom to be treating you like this

  17. No.

    Report her to social services.

  18. your mum shouldn't hit you in the face full stop .

  19. call children's aid...there isn't a law that says you can't hit your child but in a way it is a cruel punishment and your mother can get in serious trouble for hitting you (was it with a crutch or without)?

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