
Do you think it's right for my school to let indians have free lunch and make the other races pay?

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My school is racist!




  1. We are all equals.

    But,funnily enough,some people are more equal than others!

  2. no

  3. Get over it.  Lots of people have needs you will never know about.  

  4. If you go to a public school, I guarantee that anyone with a financial need can get a free lunch.

  5. no its not fair but u cant do anything about it except getting adopted by an indian couple

  6. Dot or feather?

    Not that it really matters.  

  7. take it up with the B.I.A, small compensation for the children of the many warriors...

  8. Yes, it's okay because it will prevent them from eating nothing but chicken tandori and super spicy Indian foods; which eventually result in excessive odors eminating from their bodies

  9. School free lunch programs are based on income, not race.

  10. you may need to look into this ...but please make sure you are fully informed of all the qualifications for free lunches before you accuse anyone of racism otherwise you will most definately make yourself look like an overdramatic idiot.

  11. your too young to worry about who's being racist and who isn't....

  12. There is no such thing as a free lunch!

    Welcome to the real  world.

  13. Like other people have said, free lunch programs are based on income, not race.  Maybe you should take the time to find out why so many Indians require free lunches instead of make uninformed comments.  You might also want to look up the definition of racism.

  14. Free lunch programs are based on income. Native Americans are  the absolute lowest economic group in America. We basically committed genocide on them to take over the land, stripped them of their culture, forced them to conform, and placed them in some of the worst areas we could find for reservations. Personally, I wouldn't have the nerve to begrudge them a meal.

  15. If you qualify for "free" lunches or not depends on your family's income, not your race! Since a great many Indian families live on stipends from the govt.,that's probably why;and just out of curiosity, how do YOU know who gets free lunches and who doesn't?

  16. COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The Federal School lunch program is based on INCOME not race.  Anyone whose family meets certain income guidelines (based on the number of people in the household) can qualify for free or reduced price school lunches, regardless of their race.

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