
Do you think it's right for people to ask for money(instead of flowers for the funeral) when a loved one dies?

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I feel it's tacky. I feel they are missing the point of flowers and just using our sadness to get money for their kids.




  1. Asking for money is truly inappropriate. Money for what???? Its not like you need to pay for part of the funeral.

  2. It is totally unacceptable to ask for specific gifts of any type for any occasion. For a funeral, it is, however, acceptable to specify that if someone wants to contribute that a charity be listed but never to ask for money for the family.  It is an individuals choice what to send or not send.  It's just tacky to do anything that demands a certain gift.

  3. It's extremely tacky and it dishonors their deceased loved one too.  Funerals are not supposed to be used as opportunities to panhandle.

  4. very tacky and pathetic

    rain man

  5. I have been asked for money twice now and I am not about to hand cash to relatives of the deceased that I hardly know, if at all.  What I do is donate some money to a charity of my choice in the name of the deceased person.  I then send a note to the relatives telling them what I have done.

  6. That's a bit tacky indeed... but to be devil's advocate maybe they were not prepared for the loss. Once I had people at my door collecting money for a funeral! Strangers! Funerals are expensive!

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