
Do you think it's right for people with a genetic disposition to have mentally handicapped children to have

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child after child, especially when every one they have has a progressively worse mental handicap. I saw this article on Yahoo about this family who had six children, all of them with progressively worse forms of autism, and the family was called brave, why is not using birth control brave? I know that autism is not always a very debilitating handicap and some autistic people function very well in society, but what if the handicap was something worse? Is it right for people to refuse to use birth control in this kind of situation? Aren't the parents just being selfish in their desire to have a litter of children? What about the lives and quality of life for the children when the parents are gone? What about the taxpayers who have to support these children? What about the gene pool over all? I personally think it's wrong for a couple to have more than 2 children, seeing as how before this century is over we will probably be facing some serious over-population problems.




  1. hmmmmm.... I have a slight mental illness and I prefer not to pass it to my children

  2. Autism is not linked to genes...

    and you cannot detect it in early age. How could the parents know whether their child has autism before you see the signs?

    You can detect many genetic disorders that can run in a family..but autism is not one of them.

    I beleive that even adults with disorders like syndromes and genetic diseases, have the right to have a family..I think they would need consultation, and they need to be aware that their child might ingerit the same condition..but they should have the right..or their legal caretaker.

    But I would rather have my taxes going for their help, than paying for thieves, and murderers in jails.

    PS: I know 2 families, and they had ONE child on their own, and the rest was adopted...Im talking about 13-15 african american kids with ADD and families with 15 children can be amazing.

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