
Do you think it's right that teenage daughters get more rules than sons?

by  |  earlier

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Because it seems like my parents are all going crazy over my sis and me turning 16 soon {we're twins}.

But they let my YOUNGER brother do all kinds of stuff around them that WE aren't even allowed to do around them. He's nine and he gets to watch rater r movies with them [and after he's seen the movie so much w/out them} yet back when we were younger we couldn't watch nothing but disney and Nickelodeon.

What kind of c**p is that?! And we have to have a lil family meeting before our 16th birthday, but I'm sure he's not going to get one.

Do you think its right? Why do parents have more leisure towards boys than girls?!




  1. This is the most ****** up things with familys now days they think if the boys go out and hook up with a bunch of girls d**n they r pimps or they cant get pregnant so wuts the problem

    Girls they are lil whores if they hook up with more than 1 guy they we will never amount to guys and pretty much what everyone is saying now days in a nice way is just deal with it but its not right and its never going to change and the more girls are lil whores the more people r going to do this there is a thing called self respect for men and women hopefully after this whole generation dies itll change strippers = prostitution k cool  

  2. heeeeeeeelll noooo i hate that like what where gunn have babys some time or later and like plus they cant make u not have kids like seriously

  3. personally i think thats a load of c**p. i dont believe a 9 year old little kid should be watching s*x scences, or murder in movies. i watched them but my mom always made me close my eyes during the bad parts.

  4. Because they don't trust the guys who will turn your head and may get you drunk and/or getting you pregnant and ruining your futures. Just bear it because no matter what you say and how many times you re-assure them, they are still going to over protective of you girls...Same thing happened to me and sister...We were barred from being out after dark without a proper person with us, no parties, no drinking, some guys lol...but we only talk during day time...It was h**l but once they see that you wont go have s*x and get pregnant than they will settle down.

  5. no way! its because he is the youngest parents are always more protective of the older children! My sister wasn't allowed to go out to clubs until she was 17/18 my brother was allowed out when he was 16 i was allowed to go out when i was 15! They are more relaxed because yous have been through it all and know where they can be more lenient. Its nothing to do with gender but with who's the youngest. I love being the youngest you got away with so much more=]

  6. No nine year should be watching R rated movies, boys or girls.  At 16 you still should not watch them.  They are filled with trash and I had rather fill my mind with good things than trash.  I am 68 years old and I don't watch R rated movies.

    I know, I'm not with it in today's world and I am glad I am not.  I called a movie theater about a move to see why I was rated R because I like the actor and actress in it and I wanted to see it.  They said it was not bad at all and didn't know why it was rated R.  So I went.  I set there for about 3 min. and about all I saw were unmarried people in bed together.  

    I left and ask for my money back since I did call and ask about the movie.  They were kind enough to refund my money.  

    I would not want a nine year old or a 16 year old or a 68 year old watching that garbage.  LOL you even have to pay to watch the thilth.

    Believe me you sisters should thank your parents for making you watch disney and Nickelodeon and not R rated movies.  I feel sorry for your little brother that they allow him to watch it.  That goes to show you how bad the world is getting.  

    Good luck with your famly meeting.

  7. I am the baby (girl) and I felt the exact same way!! I'm 26 now, and mo bro is 30 and nothing has changed, eventhough we both live on our own. It sucks, but that's the way it is!

    Especially if you 2 were first, your parents were NEW parents, and were probably trying to do everything "the right way." And years later your lil bro comes along and I think they just don't worry as much anymore...

    Boys will always get away with more. In our parents heads there is just more to worry about with girls i think (pregancy, rape...). I dunno.. but don't feel bad, you are not alone!!

    happy Bday!! =)

  8. It doesn't seem fair at all.  And really, it isn't.  It's reality, though- you have to raise daughters differently from sons because they grow up to be women, not men.  Although, I don't think any 9-year-old should be watching R-rated movies.

  9. YAYYY..finally 2 find someone that also has a twin..i know its not fair!!!boys r da 1z dat get da girl pregnant..dey are da ones dat ***** around doing drugs and nasty $ me its just plain cruelty...wne i hav a daughter i will never be so hard and strict on her...

  10. It could just be because he's younger, a lot of parents relax more with the second or third child compared to the others. Or maybe your brother they just find harder to discipline.

    But sadly, they may just be sexist...some people are still like that. I'm sorry.


  11. My parents were the same way :|

    My brother got to stay out really late and I had a curfew.

    Pissed me off. Lol.

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