
Do you think it's right that whale's and dolphin's are being held captive in the ENTERTAINMENT industry?

by Guest33028  |  earlier

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Do you think that whale's such as Keiko who was the whale used in the movie (free willy) was held in captivity from the age of 2 until 15 months before he died. he was taken in 1998 to a biger open space in the ocean where he was still being handeld by a trainer untill 2002. (15 months before he died) befroe the movie free willy he was living in a park in Mexico city whenre he would perform several shows a day. As maney belive Kaiko died because he could not catch his own fish, but it was because he never found his pod (family.) Another fine example of orca whale's is Lolita. Lolita has benn held captive since the age of 6. She was first taken into captivity in August 1970. Lolita is the oldest whale to ever make it in captivity. A standerd size tank for an orca is 48tf by 48ft. Lolita's tank is 35ft by 35ft or 35ft by 32ft (not quite sure) She has no room to swim, because her tank is just a little biger then a hotel pool. Lolita is so large that to her it is like having to swim in a bath tub. Hundreds upon thousands of other whale's are also being held in tanks just like the kind Lolita and kaiko where in. Lolita is 22ft long and 7,500 lbs macking it hard for her to live in her tank. Marine life of any kind needs open space. An oca travels 75 to 100 miles per day. Kaiko proved that orcas can make it in there natural habatat, therefore Lolita needs to be put back in her natural habatat. Do you agree that orcas should not be used for ENTERTAINMENT like they have been used for maney years?




  1. no its not right fight the machine

  2. wow, your question loses so much credibility when the grammar and spelling is SO bad.  it makes your argument look uninformed, even if it isn't.  Tighten it up and folks may take you more seriously.

  3. Yep.  It's right.  They're just animals.

  4. Their animals just like cats and dogs. They entertainment industry should deffinatly be made to give them bigger and better living conditions if they're gonna have them.

  5. Do you own any can say this about any pet...

    I am sure a cat or a dog would like to roam free rather confined to smell the master's poots all day, but they are caged in a sense: leashed, commanded to stay, etc.

    So, while you have an awesome point and concern, I would say that as long as no abuse is going on they may be happier than if out wandering around aimlessly.

  6. I agree with you completely. I seriously don't think animals should be used for entertainment because most of they time people don't give them proper living space and care.

    That is why I am never ever going to Sea World again. Once I found out how they treat their animals, I was shocked. They cram them into tight living conditions, and when an animal dies and they don't have anymore animals, they go out and catch those animals from their natural habitat.

    Sometimes these animals (dolphins, seals etc.) are so unhappy they commit suicide by banging themselves against their cages!

    I saw Shamu at Sea World Texas and his fins were all droopy and grey because he was unhappy.

  7. I'm pro-captivity.

    I have to say that Lolita is in a bad condition but she should stay right where she is at. Think about it, if she is sad and dying from the tank she is in, wouldn't she have passed away by now?! Her trainers lover her and take as much care as they can for her. She can't get a new tank or be released back into the whale and thats final! Do you want to see her end up like how Keiko did? He was hardley around his family when he was out in the wild, so what did he do, he went back and stayed with humans. Lolita would do the exact same thing because all orcas, dolphins, etc in captivity are adapted to their trainers, zoo keepers, etc. They wouldn't have a clue of whats going on if they were realesed into the wild which brings me to another point.

    If they released all the orcas and dolphins into the wild, they would most likely all die because they wouldn't know how to feed themselves, take care of themselves, and so on. And think about the orcas that were born into captivity. Would they have the chance? In captivity they are so well taken care of, given daily exams (like at SeaWorld for example).

    Shamu died years ago, why? She died because us people didn't have much knowledge on how to care for orcas yet. If it wasn't for Shamu and Namu, we wouldn't have the knowledge we have of these amazing animals today.

    Corky 2, my favorite orca who lives at SeaWorld California, is 43 years old. She has been in captivity since the age of about three or four. She is still very active and very healthy in today times. I went to see her this Summer and got a chance to interact not only with her but with the two orca calves (who were born right there at SeaWorld California). It was just amazing to look them in the eye, and them look right back at you. Don't you think it would be so amazing to do that? I was able to do that this summer thanks to SeaWorld for providing orcas. If it wasn't for SeaWorld and other marine parks, we wouldn't be able to get super close encounters like how I did just this Summer. I even get to interact with dolphins up close too, and its just truly amazing.

    Keiko actually died of pneumonia, not from starvation. When they were examining his body he was in healty condition and he was eating well, but pneumonia is the main cause of his death. He was best off in captivity. He loved people and people loved him. He was given such great care. If only he wasn't put back into the wild.

    Try to get Lolita put back into the wild if you want, but you got to think of this, do you want her to end up like Keiko? Not really be around her family, and be more around the people? She's fine where she's at. People come from all over to see her as well as people come from all over to see orcas anywhere where they are housed in captivity, maybe just maybe to get a chance to interact with these incredible animals like how I did.

    Go ahead and put me down but this is my beliefs for captivity. And you know what, in a few years I'll be at Shamu stadium at SeaWorld working with these incredible animals. Oh and I saw orcas out in the wild just last week. It was incredible and I knew they belong in the wild. But they aren't captured anymore so you got to think about how great that is.

  8. I thought about this for years, ever since I saw animals at a zoo and marine life at an aquarium. Here is my thoughts on this. I have come to believe as the planet evolves there is going to be a loss of species, this has been going on for centuries. So if the younger generations are going to see them and maybe inspire some of them to help the animals of the world it then makes some kind of sense to do this.I have also thought that if these animals were not in an enclosed environment, they may have been lost along the way due to natural causes, natural predators and man himself. I travel to parts of my country where I see many animals in their habitat, from bears,moose, deer, and many birds. It is some what painful to see them in zoos and such, but it hurts even more to know that in my lifetime they may disappear for ever.

  9. I don't think any animal should be held in captivity, specially not for entertainment purposes. That includes water shows and circuses. Sometimes I wonder if zoo captivity is even justified. All animals that are not naturally domestic should be allowed to live freely in their natural habitats.

    I think people should put themselves in the animal's place; I'm sure no person would like to be in a cage or enclosed by a fence.

    The only thing I do agree with is keeping the farm animals we eat or produce our food captive because it would be a pain to have to hunt them down (sorry, I'm not a veggie eater).

  10. Most of the "Marine population" you speak of, is born into captivity. They would not know how to survive in the wild. They are dependent on their caregivers. Long story short... If born into captivity it is right, if not, it is wrong and no different than slavery. I agree with you on one point. They should have proper accommodations.

    Well, you have added too many "Added Details" before I finished my answer. It seems you will not rest until you hear what you want to hear. So why bother to ask for opinions from others?

    By the way, I have a cat who is held captive in my house now for 8 years, because she has only one eye due to living in the alley. I am so cruel not to put back in the alley from which she was born. I had a dog once too. And, cows and horses when we lived on the farm.    

  11. I completely agree with you. I'm an animal lover, so I feel really sorry for not only whales and dolphins, but also seals, turtles, sting rays, etc. They shouldn't be held in captivity for ANY reason, unless they were rescued from an oil spill or something of that nature. I can understand rescuing them and taking care of them until they recover... after that though... they need to be released back into the ocean where they came from.

    I know if I was a whale/dolphin/etc I would want to be swimming around in the large ocean, not held in a huge glass tank with limited space!

  12. Yay, Marine land!

    ;-; Sea World ftw!

    -.-... It's life get over it.

  13. no i dont think they should be held captive...whe i see these giants I am overwhelmed with grief and feel thier sadness .Same with

    elephants, they look almost embarresed to be in zoos.

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