
Do you think it's rude to do this?

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Is it rude to make out with your boyfriend in front of your friends a lot?




  1. it's just so cheesy and uncivilized

  2. My friend used to do this, to me. She would invite me over to her boyfriends house, our mutual friend, and then take him into another room and leave me to do whatever. At one point in time, they locked me out of a room and left me to sit in the bathroom for an hour because they "wanted privacy". I walked home that day. They asked me why I left, and I told them, "If you wanted to have privacy, then don't invite me". Doing this is basically like...eating a bowl of food that everyone in the room wants, but only two people can have it...and the other people have to watch it. It can really make someone feel bad, especially if they don't have a boyfriend.  

  3. I don't know about rude...

    But it definitely might make your friends uncomfortable!

    I know from experience... often single friends/people aren't exactly happy or comfortable with their situation, so it's really not the nicest thing to rub it in in front of them. Just try to find somewhere more private :-)

  4. BlackBor..., pda's (public display of affection) are always good unless you're just doing it to show somebody up (make them jealous).  On the other hand, GET A ROOM---lol!!!

  5. Yeah cause then the others feel left out. haa lol. :D

  6. Yes, unless they have boyfriends there as well.

    No one wants to feel like a third wheel.

  7. I do that =\

    It is rude if your friends don't have their boyfriend/girlfriend with them I would think but it all depends on your friend and how they are.

  8. YES! def very rude. i think everyone already gets that the b/f & g/f like each other...that's why they're dating to begin with! haha. making out in public is just tacky.

  9. Yes, this is rude.  Sexual behavior should be a private affair, not a public one.  Handholding, a peck here and there are one thing, but making out or more is rude.

  10. Yes it is.  

  11. yes and its very immature

    how would you feel if this was done to you

    grow up little girl

    theres more to dating than kissing and groping

    trying actually getting to know someone with out s*x and s*x acts

    kissing is a sexual act

  12. yea  keep it private

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