
Do you think it's sad that the media only shows one kind of beauty?

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Like in the magazines and on tv shows. It hurts a lot of peopel's self-esteem and then they don't think they are pretty because they don't look like that person in the magazine. What are your thoughts?




  1. YEAH they do, it drives you crazy when everybody wants to look like them and they are no better than the next person blondes arent prettier than brunette; thick girls arent uglier than skinner girls , and light-skinned black girls aren't prettier than dark-skinned girls. IT just seems that way in the media.

  2. It is really sad because they make you think "Oh, well, i'm 1 lbs over weight and i look like a cow" when truth is most people don't.... like one time there were these girls crying at school because they weighed 80 lbs....they were only 13.

  3. I've actually been seeing a lot more of those curvacious, curlied haired girls on the telly lately. I think that they're broadening their horizons a bit.

  4. i really agree with you! in my case thats why i have low selfesteem i always compare my self to  them and then i say:: im not like them so im not pretty im really ugly:: im really trying now not to be low selfesteem.. i think it affects people not to all of them but yes there are people who affects them (including me)

  5. I once received a e-mail that showed models so thin they were skeletal like creatures, that in fact one passed out during a runway show and later died.  Now, we all know that what we see on magazines are re touched to the point of it being so perfect that there is no way possible that ANYONE could be that perfect...Dont believe the hype. The truth is that most poeple that compare them selves to what they see are already low on self esteem, and these mags only make them feel worse. Dont believe the hype, skinny isn't beautiful.  Healthy is!!!!!

  6. i think that its sad and rude. b.c not everyone can not eat everyday and like not get fast food and **** like that and or go to a gym and work out everyday..

  7. i so do. i mean because of the media everyone goes on stupid diets and become anorexic. especially a oproblem with teen girls.

  8. That's just what they want. And that's what most of the media wants for modeling or whatever. There are other types of modeling that you can get into where you don't have to slim and tall.  

  9. i agree completely.

    theres so much pressure on us to look like them

    to get skinny like them and its really bad

    ithink magazines should get models that can relate to everyone

    not just super skinny girls.

  10. Yeah it sure does.   This is why a lot of people end up risking their health because they think they look, " the wrong way" and want to change up their own beauty for that one kind that they might get or not get.

  11. It's very sad, yes. But at the same time, I can kinda see why they do that. If they had all different kinds of beauty, no one would want to look at their ads or watch their tv shows. If they have unique, hard to find "perfect" beauty, more people will want to see it because they stand out among the "normal" people.

    People need to realize that it's just a magazine, or just a tv show, and they need to realize all the makeup and editing that goes into making them look "perfect".

  12. Yes, I completely agree. I have several friends with eating disorders because they aren't a stick. It's sad.

  13. It is sad. Not everyone can be skinny and pretty.

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