
Do you think it's sad when people go to the movies alot?

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Doen't it mean that they have no life?? Just watch a movie for 2 hours like every week or every other day? Isn't it sad? Doesn't it fry thier brains? I don't klike movies anymore for this reason. I want a real life!!




  1. absolutely not. as long as my boyfriend and i have been together we've gone to see a movie at least once a week if not more. on valentine's day we saw two. its one great thing we have in common is that we love movies and with the exception of a few girly movies on my part (SATC, the sisterhood of the travelling pants) we usually see movies we are both interested in. i still have a real life lol, i work go to school and do things with friends. movies are roughly from 80-140mins (140 in extreme cases, and only in the west) and its not too much to take some time out of our day to go enjoy a movie together. its our "thing" i guess lol.

    maybe you'll like this lol

    and then

  2. No i don't think it's sad. I think it's for entertainment.  

  3. hey shut up, i go to the movies almost every weekend, and i have a life

  4. No I don't. What I do think is sad sight at movie theaters are people who take their kids to horror movies.

    Some of these people have small children elementary age or younger. Like this past weekend I went to see "Mirrors" which has some pretty graphic content and there was a lady sitting in front of me with two young daughters.

    And people wonder why kids are killing each other.

  5. You're an insane immature little child and you're obviously the one without a life because you spend your time at a computer screen posting ridiculous worthless petty comments about other people. So if anyone needs to "get a life" it's you sweetheart. Movies are for entertainment and they are enjoyable to many people, you're probably just too dim-witted to comprehend them or you have too much of a short attention span to sit and watch one.

  6. Nope they can afford it then why not, I think it is sad when people steal movies by downloading them

  7. As you bothered to post the question, it does seem like you have an obsession with movies replacing real life for you and you are trying to break the habit.

    Good for you!  Movies really never mimic real life and even as bad as real life can be sometimes, it is authentic and better than any movie could ever be.

    From pain, comes wisdom and insight; if you are in a sad, bad, situation, better to start keeping a journal than try to escape your reality, as your a real pain is sellable in any media.

  8. would you prefer that they sit around watching tv all the time?

  9. no i dont think its a waste of time because some peoples careers are based on media and movies like directors producers actors so if we didnt go see the movies they would all be living in cardboard boxes in  alleys jobless. plus they are very entertaining and a good movie will give you somthing to think about for the whole rest of the day. so no i dont thik they're stupid i love movies.

  10. Who are you to judge them for's their life let them live it their way...And i do have a life thank you and i go to the movies about once a thank you for saying i have no life...did you ever think that maybe you are the one with no life seeing hows you sit around and judge stick that in your juice box and suck it.

  11. I like movies and can sit and watch them for hours. I also dance,sing,write, volunteer at a crisis center and that's just during the day. Why on earth would you think that there's something "wrong" with people who go to the movies each week?Before the advent of television,that's where millions of people spent their time. Don't over-think,Baby. It makes wrinkles

  12. well u can look at it this way,watching movies are a whole lot better than doing drugs literally frying your brain..

  13. NO NO NO.

    Movies are the greatest form of entertainment.

    They are wonderful. It's really only sad/pathetic when you constantly go alone.

  14. Nope, some people are just "movie people".  Others may read books, others may listen to music, others play basketball or tennis, others love going to different restaurants.  It's just their preference.

    Besides, we need the next generation of "Ebert and Roeper at the movies" (R.I.P Gene Siskel) - people who know every film that a certain director made, or the academy's worst blunders any given year.

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