
Do you think it's social and career suicide to be a non-comformist? ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not talking about purposely making yourself an outsider but people just look at you weird if you don't agree with them, move or talk like them. Ex: I worked at a company where we were pretty much all Korean; I mentioned that I thought about interracial dating and everybody seemed offended. After many of these social faux pas, I got on my bosses bad side. To me these kind of politics seem ridiculous but I guess that's how the world works. Can one man make a difference? Probably not. What do you think?




  1. It's not career suicide.  You just have to go to more 'open minded' areas to live your life comfortably.  Of course that might mean having to put up with it until the economy gets better.

  2.    You don't have to fit their glove so to speak as much as keep business, business. Any personal agendas should be kept between friends and relatives and even then spoken of only if your needing advise or direction. To tell your closest friend you like oral s*x with jalapeno cheese, could change the way he looks at you...and cheese.

    Casual conversation should be just that,...casual. Good luck with the dating.

  3. Let your conscience be your guide.  It takes great determination to remain a non-conformist.  The pressure to conform comes not only from outside sources, it is also a natural instinct to follow the herd.

    Free will allows each one of us to decide what feels right to us.  Conforming to the majority or a superior force will always occur out of fear.  Fear is the main energy on this planet during these days.

    Please try to understand that fear is being peddled to us by the power elite everywhere, all of the time.

    One man/woman can and does make a difference.  The difference that one person makes may not seem like a big deal, but when combined with the difference others are also making...

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