
Do you think it's strange that I'm in college and don't know who......

by  |  earlier

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my governor, senators, and reps are. Or that sadly enough I don't care. I'm not into politics because I don't agree with politicians stances on issues & I feel overwhelmed by all the things you have to vote for. I don't even know what have that stuff is.

I'm sort of anti-voting

For ex, for the primaries I considered voting but couldn't find anyone to vote for. One of the issuses I'd agree with, but an equally important one I don't.

I figure that if no one votes the candidates will have to step up their game.

I'm also a poor, black, female & am proud of my ancestors for fighting to vote, but sometimes I'm sad b/c there's nothing to vote for. I guess I sort of figure I'll deal with the cards that are handed to me. After all, I'm only one person.




  1. While you don't have to be into politics, it doesn't hurt to know who the people making decisions for you are.

  2. No,No,No! You have to stop thinking like that. Don't you realize that the city,county,state,OR federal governments not only work FOR you,they can't exist without YOUR permission.

    It's YOUR government at work.

    You should be grateful that you live in a country where you don't have to be the same occupation as your father or that thru hard work,you can start out with nothing and build yourself up into a success.

    As a female,you should be grateful  not to be forbidden from an education or owning property,OR even being told who to marry by one of your male relatives.

    That vote is more powerful than you think. Just like Jury Duty,people see this as an interruption of their day and dread the day they have to serve.Imagine the day that you're told that no one has to vote anymore because the head of the state will do that for you wether you like it or not."If you don't use it,you'll lose it".

  3. This is America.  And what's beautiful about this country is that you have the freedom to cast a vote AGAINST another candidate.  Here's the thing about not voting; everyone who doesn't vote for a candidate who may make a difference, is voting FOR the least qualified candidate.  Your vote helps to choose a leader who has your best interests at heart.  If you don't vote, you also can't complain about whoever wins or about his decisions because you chose not make a decision.  Just think if you didn't decide to do some of the mundane things in your life, you'd appear pretty helpless, right?  Your ethnicity has less to do with your question of apathy about politics than your question about whether it matters that you vote or not.  It was not long ago that people in Eastern Europe didn't have the privelege to do what you are taking for granted.  Think about it.

  4. ok its not strange that u dont care actully a lot of young ppl dont care and they dont vote but you are one person and you should vote for the canadite u best like i mean heck if you dont like ne make out a list and mark out the ones you hate then keep going until your with one vote =]

  5. Yes it is strange. Your kind of stupid.

  6. i dont know either, but then again im younger, mabye u should try to research more, its important to be aware of whats changing in the society. and lots of people dont vote but the candidates arent doing much about it, they blame it on laziness and the people dont care which is the case, u dont have to vote if u dont want to but goveners have been known to win by just a few votes so u can help a whole lot

  7. Why choose to remain ignorant. I know a lot about politics, but that's because my mom is pretty active in them and since I was little that's been our favorite thing to watch on TV and discuss later.

    You need to know about politics and current events. Britney Spears is not a current event.

  8. that attitude you got. Go girl power!!

  9.   how  can  you  as  a  black  person  not  vote  for the  first  black  candidate  ever  in  the  history of  the  country?  and  then have  the  nerve to  complain that  you  are just a  poor  black  woman.

    you  have  single  handedly  set  the  cause  back  50 years  with  that  attitude.

    if  you  hate  obama  enough and  think  he  will  make  things  worse  for  blacks then  vote  against  him  at  least. but if  you  do  nothing  then  you  deserve  to  stay  poor.

  10. eh not everyone is suited for politics

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