
Do you think it's tacky to have a potluck birthday party?

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Maybe tacky is a strong word. I've always thought it was weird to have people bring food to my birthday party, but everyone else seems to do it for theirs. What do you think?




  1. I think you're right.  People will be bringing presents -- even if you ask them not to -- so asking them to cook is too much.

  2. I do agree that if your having a party for a co-worker or something asking people if they want to chip in doesnt seem tacky,or if someone is throwing a party for you then its fine.but if your throwing a party for your child,or something then yea i would say its kinda tacky to ask other people to supply food for your kids party. UNLESS its like your mom or your dad that you ask to make mom always cooks something for my kids b-day parties..she likes too =)

  3. All the potluck parties I have been to have been given equally for everyone involved. Is this a group of friends from work? My ex-mother-in-law's coworkers had a potluck b-day party every month someone had a b-day to cover everyone in the group so that way you all are giving equally. And no presents to worry about just awesome cake and ice cream!

  4. If you are having a picnic style  I think it would be fine..

  5. i guess if everyone else is doing it.

  6. Think about it like this, people plan and host their own birthday parties all the time. When they do, their guests, normally, feel obligated to bring a gift, drink, etc. So, if you're having a POTLUCK, then, its really the same difference except everyone gets to share your gifts!

    Good idea!!!

  7. No, not at all. A birthday party is a casual gathering, for the most part. And honestly, very polite guests WILL bring something to the party, as it is the polite thing to do. It isn't impolite if someone fails to show up with food, though.

  8. If they bring the food they won't bring the "gift".

  9. I don't think its ack just don't think of it as a potluck think of it as a dinner or lunch.

  10. not really tacky seems fine to me free food

  11. If you're doing it for a fellow co-worker, no, it's not tacky, my friend is doing one as we speak.

  12. There's nothing wrong with a potluck birthday party.

  13. It's not if someone else hosts the party.  If you host it for yourself and you ask them to bring food, that seems weird.  

    Have a friend throw you the party and ask for people to chip in for your celebration.

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