
Do you think it's unnatural to not want children

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I have several personal beliefs against having children (too many people on Earth, never had the desire to have children, I don't have the best temper, etc)

If I ever do want children in the future when I am in a serious relationship, I will try my best to adopt. Things could change in a few years, but it is my goal to NOT have my own children by birth.

Some people say this is unnatural (or weird) and I don't understand why it would be- it's just my person feelings and beliefs. I don't see why some people think women have to have children- we are not cows. Some women say that pregnancy is oh so great and should be experiences- I fail to see how.

So, do you think it's unnatural to not want children? If so, why?




  1. Oh I have been there.  I do not have children and never wanted them.  When people asked me why I did not have children I would tell them firmly, but politely.  "This is a very personal matter and I do not discuss it"  If they pushed it, and a couple of people did, I would be a little more firm and tell them it was none of their business.

  2. No I dont think Its unnatural at all If you are young you might change your mind though once your women hormones kick in! I felt like that exactly when I was in junior high high school but then really started to change my mind as I got older now I am 39 weeks pregnant and couldnt imagine ever not having a baby. But some women arent meant to have children and wont get those urges and its fine! God made everyone to do something different so the world could all work not EVERYONE is meant to be a mother mabye you were meant to be a career oriented buissnesswoman or an important goverment leader or chef or firefighter or anything! How could the world work If women were only mothers?Never did anything else?It wouldnt! what you feel you are meant to do is what you are meant to do so follow your heart you are a perfectly natural human being!

  3. i think that this might be good because some people realize after the fact that they are not suited to be parents me i have 3 1/2 children and i love it i live for the simple things the mother day cards the hugs the unconditional love that a child brings after a hard day at work everything is made better by a simple kiss but that could be that i lack something inside myself and if you are willing to one day adopt i think that is wonderful especially if you adopt a child from the usa there are so many children in need of a good home

  4. Not at all, I don't want any kids ever. I don't think I will even adopt any either. I don't have any real reason for not wanting any other than the fact that I am bad with kids. I'm not sure how to interact with children, they kinda scare me...

  5. i dont think it's weird. it just means you're aware. my girlfriend is 26 and she's  the same way. but she says now that she's getting older her nurturing instincts are stronger than ever. she's into adoption too but she also thinks there is something about the birth process (though painful) is something that can never be felt anywhere else in this world....a baby made from part of yourself....that's pretty crazy beautiful.

  6. its not unatural to want kids. its not bad iether. i would recomend not having any. you would enjoy life more.

  7. each to there own but its a great experience for most of us i love being pregnant but hey i dont care who wants to birth them and who dosnt i do  

  8. It's not unnatural to want children, but yes some people see it that way. Some people are all about getting married and having kids, some don't want that. Either way if you feel this way and you don't change your mind then don't have kids. There is a reason you feel this way, you probably werent meant to be a parent. It's not a bad thing you can pursure your career and focus on your own life, but for some people they want kids to continue their family history and such. If i were you and felt this way i would not have kids, just for the fact of your first instinct about not having kids in the first place, it's not meant to be.  

  9. well alot of girls-women would want to have kids,,,,like me.

    but its not unnatural for a girl not to want any.....

    and even if it was unnatural, which its not, you shouldnt care waht other pple think....its your life

  10. no

  11. No, not really. I think it's good when people know for sure that they don't want children. I think that alot of people don't care one way or the other or don't even realize that they have a choice in the matter. They just have babies because that's what you do.

    All I know is, if you don't want children don't have them. It's no one's decision but your own.

  12. I believe that all those statistics are true, and as well, I never got bitten by the "baby" bug.  

    And as a result of opting out of ever wishing to be a parent, all sorts of things became possible: I married a Ph. D  at 19, who finished raising me.  I then married an MD, and he and I traveled all over the planet--- sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal, Central America, South America, Galapagos Islands,,,,, yadayada.we went everywhere.... I even had the lovely time to spend 4 months learning to read Hieroglyphics before going to Egypt.... we   had a lovely home, cars, parties, $$ never a problem, and all of our friends with kids could never go with us...(according to Yahoo, each one costs $250,000.... no wonder all of them were always broke, and never had an IRA, and are still working at 65, and can't retire...)

    I retired at 48!!!!!! (I am now 57)   When he was killed, after 18 years of being together,  I am now with another man who, as well opted out of the baby thing.  We just bought a home together.  (life is too short to do its tango alone....been single, been married/partnered, and I'll take partnered anytime..)

    All of those friends with all of those kids are broke, still, and several have confessed, "It just wasn't worth it".  One, a pharmacist had 5.  He's hugely fat, depressed and 65, and still working.  One had three, and has confessed, "I think I loved being a mom, but it I think you picked the better road. She's now 65, still working, has no IRA, and is not healthy....But cannot stop because she has no money...."

    Of all of those professional people --- orthopedists, dentists, ministers, docs, attorneys -- only one couple (he's a rocket scientist ---truly!!!) are happy and still together... They have one kid who did well.  The other two are losers.  Now maybe it is because it is so difficult to follow in the steps of parents who are such professionals.

    We took some flack for awhile.   And I'm with you... I see no advantage of giving so much of my life stepping to the plate and being a parent.... the planet has 6.5+ billion of us.  In 30 years, it will be 8.5+ billion, and I won't recognize this planet, neither will you.

    Being childless enabled me to become all the things listed.... and not for one nanosecond have I ever, ever regretted the choice..

    All of the evils stem from over population.

  13. I don't think it's unnatural. Some people want kids, others don't. It's like saying, "she likes to jump rope, but he doesn't" know what I mean?

    However, I want to have a family...

  14. I see nothing wrong with your views as long as you do not force them on to others.  That is your choice not to have biological children, and I see nothing wrong with it.  

  15. i can see why some one would not want a child.

    i don't think that's its unnatural.

    allot of women don't want kids.

  16. No. I think people who never want children are more smart and intelligent. They made the right choice. They have more opportunities.

    I don't think its selfish. Kids aren't for everybody. I don't want kids, ever.

  17. I used to, simply because I couldn't imagine a woman who wouldn't want a baby of her own.

    And then I raised a baby of my own.

    I love my daughter with every fiber of my being and even though she is a grown-up, I would still fight the world to protect her if I had to.  She has a baby of her own and I adore this grandma thing.

    But over the years, I've learned how hard being a parent can be.  Now I know the physical and emotional toll that parenthood takes.  There are many people who do not have the physical stamina or the emotional reserves to be able to be a parent.  And I've finally learned that when someone says, "I really don't want children of my own" - that's perfectly okay.  You aren't less of a person simply because you decide not to give birth; you're taking your own gifts and using them in different ways, that's all.  You're just as valuable to your community and our world and you have just as much to offer.

    Good for you that you know yourself well enough to realize that this isn't a choice for you right now.  You may change your mind, or you may never change your mind.  But what's important is that you know what's best for you.  You'll still leave your mark on the world.  :-)

  18. Your position has a substance, doesn't hurt anyone (the opposite, actually) and you're not imposing it on anyone. I don't think it's unnatural at all. As for the other adjective, don't listen to people who confuse "uncommon" with "weird" :)

  19. I dont think it unnatural to not want to have a child by birth. I feel the same about having children because there are so many children already out there that dont have a home. Even if I do end up having a child, I am still going to adopt.  

  20. It is not unnatural and your personal beliefs should be respected.

    However I don't think it should be your GOAL to not have your own children. It should just flow with your life.

    Not all people think all women should have children, that's not true. BUT we ALL have reproduction systems to reproduce, keep that in mind. That may be why people don't understand you, because they've never come across a woman who feels as you do.

    I understand what you are saying, keep you views!!!

  21. no it is not you made a desicion that you based on your believes and your understanding of your self...i offer you my understanding and love in being

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