
Do you think it's unneeded torture or just human nature?

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When you loose a loved one for whatever reason (child going back to school all day, good friend moves away, break up w/ boyfriend, etc) when you see something that remind you of them it makes you cry? Like a favorite movie of theirs, or restaurant, etc. My husband claims that I just torture myself thinking like that, but I think it's just human nature. What are your thoughts? It's not obsessive or all the time thoughts, just more so in the beginning and then less as time passes.




  1. ask your husband if he has the family photo in his wallet, and if he does, when was the last time he took a good look at it.

    i doubt he understnds how you feel.

    some people have a strong sense of caring for children friends etc and most really don't care.

  2. think it's unneeded torture/ or extreme sensitivity..

  3. It's very normal and like you say, it gets better as time passes.

  4. I think it's torture to be honest, I think most people do think that way, but doesn't make it human nature?  I personally don't think so. The way we think comes from upbringing etc and that;s no more human nature that speaking english or japanese, just depends where you where raised.

    I have a website that deals with this you might  find interesting.  Some good links to

    The article is about this sort of thing in relationships but you can apply the principle to anything really.

    best of luck

  5. Its natural to some, some of us cant completely let go,which is ok. Perhaps your life now isnt a good as when you were with that person and you want it back. Or maybe its just our way of dealing with loss and never wanting to forget.

  6. That's a thought anyone has when there has been a loss..even with that of an animal who was loved and part of the family.. Why do we set ourselves up for this pain? I guess in the long run, it's worth the risk. The good outweighs the bad...

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