
Do you think it's weird that I spend a total of 16 hours of commuting to and from work and get paid 27K.?

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I graduated from college and am having problems finding a job. I took this job in the city and it is very exausting waking up so early in the morning and coming home late at night. There aren't many opportunities in my area and the reason why I am commuting is because rent will be unaffordable living close to where I work. Please let me know what you think.




  1. Sometimes you have to pay your dues in order to get ahead.  If you are young and have no kids or anything then I would do it to gain the reference and experience.  Nothing comes easy.  I sure wouldn't want to do that for a long time but for a year?  Maybe.  I have done worse just to get the experience and it has paid off in my career.  good luck!

  2. That would be really stressful. Your salary can afford you to stay in dormitories or be a bedspacer. Why not move into the city to be closer to your work? It will save you more time and effort. You don't have to wake up really early, nor go home very late. You don't have to move into a condo or  an apartment. I'm sure there are nice,clean dormitories near your place of work.

  3. Yea i think thats too many hours for a work day, u should move closer to ur job or find one close to ur home

  4. zuphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  5. I don't think you'll be saving much.   But make sure you calculate the cost of commuting, including the wear and tear on your car, gas, and the value of all the time you spend in the car.  When you add it up, it may offset the difference in rent.  Look into getting a roommate or something.  Even if the commuting option would be cheaper, it's not worth it to wear out your body like that.

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