
Do you think it's weird that we drink cows milk?

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Like milk from a cow boobie? Like, a COW - why a cow? I think it's kinda weird. Just sit there and dwell on that. How do you feel now?




  1. no because I've drunk it all my life but what does confuse me is who was the person who thought of drinking the juice from a cows teet???


  2. Yeah it is, I only drink soy milk.

    What is horrible is that we have bread cows to the point where they will die if not milked everyday if not multiple times a day.

  3. Do you think its weird we eat honey from bees?

    and eat sausage from pigs?

    and drink tea from crushed leaves?

    and wine from rotted grapes?

    me? No, food is food. But you? WHO KNOWS lol :P

  4. well its not directly from the cow's udder to our cartons, so it doesnt have the same effect on me. lots of things are added and its purified to get the milk taste we get in the cartons, drinking milk straight from the udder would be disgusting haha.

  5. What seems even more weird is that people let that cows milk spoil and they melt it onto cow meat and they call it a cheeseburger.

  6. I swear, I love milk but I've always wondered who was the 1st 'hero' to try milk. How did it go? "Man, I should yank on those "fingers" that are hanging from those big weird animals that are eat the grass over there. Hey, this white cloudy liquid looks good. I'm gonna' slurp it down". Oh my god.

  7. Well, cows were domesticated early in human history, and being the largest domesticated animal (for now), it produced the most amount of milk by volume (there's goats milk, buffalo mozzarella and others which are staples in international diets).

    As for the boobie thing - it all lies in the eye of the beholder - much like people's adversion to shellfish, broccoli, yogurt, etc.

    I'm chinese - not much foodstuff phases me, but that's how I've been raised.  

    Knowing where a food comes from should improve your appreciation and respect for the food.  So avoid that cow's milk because you respect the cow and hope the cows can instead use it to feed their young, not because you're appalled.

    It is along these lines that i am upset with the practice of "finning" of sharks.  I love shark fin soup, but the harvesting methods ruin the quality and availability of this ingredient.

    Take care!

  8. I think it's disgusting that we drink cow's milk (or any other animal, for that matter). Milk is meant for baby animals and it's not natural for us to drink it after that point. That's why so many adults are lactose intolerant.

  9. It's too difficult to find enough human women who want to live their adult lives being milked on a dairy farm.  So we use animal milk.  

    Why cows?  Because cows are easy to farm, they produce a lot of milk, and their milk is mild tasting.

  10. no not at all

  11. How do you feel people drink goat, sheep and even llama milk too?

  12. Yes I want Human milk, its funny how some people are disgusted by Human milk, they would rather drink milk from an animal that poops on its food and eats it

  13. i never really picture it like that

  14. well we eat eggs out of a chickens butt and the skins off a pig and fruit off of trees or vegtables that grow in dirt on the ground. most of our food comes from an odd place if you think about it.

  15. i think its sick

    a cows milk is for their babys!

    not for humans....

    i drink soy or rice milk.

  16. Meh.. not that weird really. Hungry people came up with a way to fill their bellies without killing the animal and eating it. Makes more sense than eating its meat in a way, milk can be produced for a long time, but kill the cow and the source of food is gone.

  17. Well, not really.... I grew up on a farm and had to milk the old milk cow every morning and night.. .. Im sure glad we didnt drink alligator milk... or well maybe grizzly bear milk.... lion or tiger milk/..... d**n Id sure have dreaded milking  then.. milking that ole cow wasnt really tooo bad.

  18. Makes you wonder what the first person who drank milk was thinking.  "Hey, look at that white liquid coming from that big hairy animal, let's drink it!!!!"

  19. I dont think its so bad. Ok maybe i do. Sure its weird.

  20. well would u rather drink milk straight from ur moms boob??

  21. yeah it is kind weird but hey we eat and drink many things.


  23. haha how do you think people started drinkin cow milk, do you think someone decided to start suckin a cows boob lol well it tastes good so i dont think its weird, i drink it almost everyday : )

  24. Cow's milk has many good nutrients our bodies need; such as calcium and vitamin D. If all those hormones weren't put in the milk I'd drink it more often.

  25. we drink coffee, tea, beer, rum, whiskey, and lots of things that are not natural for animals to drink.

    Should we drink only water?

  26. Yeah, I think it's pretty gross. I don't drink milk anyways I always buy Silk which tastes like milk but made from soybeans. What grosses me out is that even though it homoginized there are still traces of bacteria and other stuff left when the milk is bottled. Oh by the way lc001 I agree with your answer too!

  27. Do you think its weird that somebody had to discover cows milk? so somebody just put some liquid that came out of an udder into their mouth without knowing wha it was :P


  28. No, but it would be weird if they bottled human breast milk and sold it and everyone (even adults) drank it! lol. That would really be weird!

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