
Do you think it's wrong for a married man to email a single woman (sometimes all day) he works with?

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Does it depend on what the emails consist of, like if they're personal, to do with current events, joking around, or is it wrong, period? Male friends of mine seem to think it is absolutely harmless, unless there is overt flirting or prying into each other's social lives, but married female friends I've spoken with think it is wrong, period. I think personally it is only wrong if there is overt flirting involved or inappropriate conversation, unless one party or the other seems totally infatuated. In my situation, I feel this male coworker married friend of mine has a slight crush on me, but that is it and I don't think the emails are inappropriate at all. Rarely they're flirty.




  1. No, no, no!  Even if you know you'd never like this girl romantically, what do you think you're wife would do if she found out?  She would flip out!  Because she wouldn't know for sure how you really feel about her- only you truly know- and your actions suggest you do.  So if you don't want to lose your wife's trust, DON'!

  2. Totally wrong. Because there is a risk starting to like each other. It doesn't matter if you are joking. It can start with a little joke and later on develop into a cheating relationship. So h**l NO!

  3. Even if you don't personally find it inappropriate, imagine if the shoe were the other foot? Say it's your own husband emailing a female co-worker (You yourself said he has a crush on you), how would you feel as the wife? Many emotional affairs start out being completely innocent.

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