
Do you think it's wrong that the local Chinese restaurant bases its kiddie pricing on height, not age?

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My kid is tall for her age -- really tall (don't know where she gets it from). The local Chinese buffet place charges her the adult rate based on some height chart.

Is this fair? Or does it penalize native-born American kids?




  1. A business has the freedom to base their prices on what ever they choose. And you have the freedom to not buy at that business.  It is your choice whether to patronize that business or not.

  2. I think its fair.  Besides, they can make just about any rule they want.  If you don't like it then its time to find another restaurant.

  3. I think it's fair, though in your case it puts you at a disadvantage.  The height of someone is roughly proportional to how much they eat.

    Here in California we used to have a buffet restaurant with a big scale. There weren't actual numbers on the scale, just colored 'zones'.  You'd pay whatever zone you were in.  But you didn't have to get on the scale, you could just pay the adult price.

  4. In a free market, people can enter into (or refuse to enter into) any contractual relationship they want.  This business has announced how it will contract with you.  You can accept it or not, as you wish.  If they are willing to take the risk of driving away your business, in the hopes of attracting the business of others, that is their choice.

  5. That actually makes more sense, since size has more to do with the amount of food you need to sustain yourself than age

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