
Do you think it's wrong to be high around your kids

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and give them marijuana. Kids I mean like around 11 and up.. I mean that's what my mom was like ?? I was talking to these guys that knew me when I was 11 and they said that I was a very traumatised kid.. I didn't really think so.. I don't really think so.




  1. yes its wrong, I hope CPS takes your kids away

  2. of course it's bloody wrong

  3. It was wrong of your mom to do that, it wasn't a good example.

    She obviously had some parenting issues as she kicked you out at such a young age.

    You sound like a survivor though...stay strong and make good choices.

    ALso, think about going to church and connecting with some of the elderly people who don;t have family. It is a nice way to find good role models


  4. If you think its OK to be high, kids or not, and give drugs to children there is something wrong with your mentality and for the love of all decent things NEVER have children if this is your mentality.

    If you do these things now around kids someone needs to report you.

  5. i donno.. there are lots of people who are going to go into this and that and blah blah.. but those are usually the people who were raised around it..... my dad has smoked pot for like 40 years and it never bothered me one bit... my mom on the other hand did every drug imaginable in front of me.. my dad would always go into the bed room to do things like coke and stuff... but my mom..she didnt care...i dont think that smoking a little bit of pot with your teenager is a big deal... nor do i think it mattesr if you are high around your children... if they are just little little kids they wont know.. and if their older they dont care... i know i never did.

  6. Yes, it's wrong.  It's not really setting a good example.  

  7. Yea, definitely. It's illegal for a start.

  8. if u feel fine and think ur fine then u r fine

  9. hahahahahah.  Are you high now?  What's with all the laughing? Do you think it's wrong? That is the real question here.

  10. Yes, I think it's wrong.

  11. Maybe you were, maybe you weren't.  But in either case, no, it's not a good idea.  By doing so you are setting the kids up to do the same.  --and NO you should not be giving 11 yr old kids pot.  

    I also grew up around a bunch of addicts.  My sister became an addict and my brother a dealer.  My sister's house got raided and they found 50grams of coc in her house--she lost EVERYTHING.  Her home, her kids, cars...everything.  My brother was busted with felony possession w/intent to distribute 6 months after he turned 18.  --How sad is that??  Their lives are ruined cause we grew up in a world where it was ok, it was normal.

    Me?  I got out when I was 16 and never went back.  And--Don't do drugs.  They're bad!  

    (we didn't think that we were traumatized either)

  12. Are you *serious*??  Why are you even asking?!  Of course it's wrong to be high around your children and/or give them marijuana, not to mention incredibly irresponsible and stupid.  I'm so sorry your mom didn't have better sense.

  13. YES! DUH!!!  When your parents are high they loose all sense of decency and reality!  I had a friend who told me she and her brother used to eat grass for dinner because her parents were stoned all the time.  Definetly YES it is wrong!

  14. Oh boy this really better be a joke. Of course it's F**king wrong ! I would also suggest you stop smoking it as it has affected your brain power.

  15. OMG... Yes it is wrong!  Not only is it wrong but you will get your kids taken away from you. I am not the type to leave mean answers but there is no way to answer this one with out sounding mean so I am sorry in advance. I can't believe that you would even possibly think that it is ok. First off even marijuana alters your state of mind who is taking care of your kids while you are getting high. Second it is our jobs as parents to teach them about the dangers in drugs. Not give them to them. It blows me away that people call themselves mothers but doesn't have any more common sense than my 2 year old.  

  16. It defiantly is wrong. We had friends of ours who had 2 boys (5 and 7) and they used to smoke bongs in front of them. We wen around to their house one night, and they did it inside in front of my kids who were 2 and 1 at the time. I spoke to them and told them that I don't want them to do this in their house if my kids are around, and if they were not happy with that, then we wouldn't visit. Anyways months later, we were there again, and they did it again, as well as smoking smokes in the house. With my one year old?? I don't think so., We have NOT been back!!!

    If she wants her kids to be pot heads, then thats up to her, but I dont want my kids to be!!

  17. If your kids are mature (and I mean OVER the age of 18) so they are legally responsible for themselves and are comfortable with it, then yes.  

    A child under the age of 18 is not legal and you are encouraging them to do an illegal act.  Most kids age 11 and up to 18 cannot make these kinds of moral decisions for themselves because they are not mature enough to handle it.  There are some that can.  I seriously wouldn't teach my kids that.

  18. Yes it is wrong. It is wrong to get high in the first place. It is even worse to expose a child to drugs.

    If your mother loved you, she would not have kicked you out. You do not feel as if it was that bad because it was all you knew. But if you open your eyes a bit more and look at other people's parents you will see that they still live with their parents. I doubt that drugs are in most families that you know. I wish you the best and hope that one day when you have children, you will love them and not expose them to drugs.  

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