
Do you think it's your turn or mine?

by  |  earlier

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to have a question deleted?




  1. How childish Yahoo is with all this nonsense. Nuff said.

  2. To be honest,I have lost count of how many Violations I have been given for Q's and it may be your turn next,unfortunately..

    You'll be among great company though..=)

  3. Someone else's, as I don't know you.

  4. Yours;


  5. Unfortunately it's probably mine.

    Never had a question deleted, yet!

    Had plenty of answers deleted though.

  6. I'll take the fall...Do I get to choose the question?  Or does Y delete the ones that have the most answers?

  7. I'll take a bullet for ya buddy! My turn :)

  8. Why don't we call it quits instead  

  9. Probably mine.

  10. It's your turn to get mine deleted.

  11. Due to that fact the i didn't post questions for 9 months and i recently have got 4 questions deleted ( i post them around 1 year ago ), sorry to say it is yours :-(

  12. It was my turn yesterday... yours today.

    Who did what today is not a question, so why did you answer it?  LOL

  13. now it's your turn  

  14. it's mine

  15. lol i just had one deleted and lost 12 points so it has to be your turn

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