
Do you think it a fair swap. The remains of 2 Israeli soldiers for 5 Arab terrorists, one of whom is know as?

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  1. It just make it abundantly clear which side actually wants peace and which side doesn't.  

    A hint, the side celebrating the return of their "freedom fighters" and "martyrs"  isn't the one that wants peace.

  2. They also got the remains of 200 as part of the deal..

  3. sometimes you have to sacrifice to get peace, what we call terrorists they call soldiers, it all comes down to what side you are on and  what you believe in

  4. No it's not a fair swop. Israel returned the bodies of people killed in battle, together with live terrorists. Arabs returned the remains of two soldiers kidnapped the murdered in cold blood. We shoulldn't be surprised,Muslims must have their way, don't we see enough of it within our shores.?

  5. It's beyond distasteful. If those soldiers could talk now, they would be against such a deal.

  6. It's not over yet.

    The Israeli assassination squads are already in place to make it a fair transaction.

  7. The repatriation of the fallen on both sides

    of the divide is not about swapping or anything

    being fair,it`s about bringing a closure for the

    deceased families,they will have the peace

    of mind of laying there loved ones to rest.

    One day soon the Dove of peace will lay

    to rest this terrible conflict and the killings will stop.

  8. Where did the Israelis and Palestinians keep the bodies of all these people for so many years or did they just dig them all up. And who are the terrorists the Israelis or the Arabs ?

  9. No it is not fair.The Israelis were dead, so they should have shot the Arabs first and then exchaged the dead bodies.

  10. I don't think it's about fairness. The deal wouldn't have happened without the release of the "madman". The Israelis have been the cleverer of the two sides in this instance because even those that don't normally support Israel are sickened by the Hezbollah celebrations.

  11. Fair swap?  No, it's called, "appeasement".  It will work just as well with the Islamists as it did with Hitler.

  12. it is not a fair swap but you wait and see, this is not going to be the end of it, things over there are never that simple, I for one do not believe for one second that Israeli government will let this go.

  13. Its much more than that, re read the story

  14. It wasnt an equal trade but I think they are good first steps of communication. It will take much more effort to resolve this problem. There have been many victims of this conflict and it needs to stop.

  15. It is very important to Judaism to have their dead back. At last the families have closure on their missing sons.

    No it is not a fair trade, but it is a sacrifice that the Israelis have made in order to repatriate their Warriors with their homeland.

    Lebanon & Israel is a ticking timebomb. I predict air strikes on Lebanon imminent.

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