
Do you think it big or clever to use a self harmers statistic, to gain brownie points in football banter?

by Guest62281  |  earlier

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and F.A.O. people that still answer his his questions i am surprised at you still giving that prick credence if he threatens to harm your kids or rape your wife, i hope you can still answer his questions and take him seriously.




  1. peter s is right on the money. i am blocked but even if i am not, i don't care and will not answer the nobhead's questions.

  2. i'm blocked  

  3. brownie points suck..

    Just Speak your mind.. and keep it "Banter"

    IF threatening, Harrasing , or Offending then.. get out..

  4. i cant answer his questions cos he blocked me , perhaps i come to close to the truth for him to take , on the other hand he can still contact me and wish painful deaths to my family if ever someone had the right name its ura perhapswe should change it to heezanodhead. anyway wots it with having some bevvies at the week end i worked all week are we the only people who get pist? no cos ura gets plastered every day  

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