
Do you think it could be HIV or something else?

by  |  earlier

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I had s*x in the middle of June and at the end of June..... anyways 2 weeks ago i ate this salad and felt kind of sick afterwards. the next day i felt really nautious all day. after that for about a week and a half my stomach felt uneasy. not necessarily nautious but just uneasy. i also had a loss in apetite and headaches. it has all mostly subsided for now. Does that sound like it could be HIV or food poisoning or pregnancy or anything along that line? please help. Also i just went to the doctors and they took blood. i didnt mention my concerns but will they check for HIV anyways?




  1. No it does not sound like HIV.It takes longer than 2 weeks to even show up on a test.If you used a rubber you wouldn't have to worry.Right?

  2. I don't think you  would get any symptoms from HIV after having s*x in June. It usualy takes three months after intercourse.

    and if you get HIV you normally get very bad flu like symptoms, fever, sore throat etc..

    I'd say pregnant more likely than STD...

  3. It takes way to long to show symptoms of HIV, usually 6-12 months.If you do have it, those probably are symptoms from something else you also have and not the HIV virus itself.

    Food posioning can last for weeks. It can even be fatal- especially with seafood. It could also be more severe from poultry- a common addition to salads! You could have a parasite, especially if its accompanied by diareahea or fever. I have had foodborne parasites a few times, usually from what I have seemed to target as undercooked chicken. Uncooked vegetables can carry risks of different illnesses too, especially if they haven't been washed properly or if the vegetables were cross-contaminated with something like for example bacteria and fluid left on knives and cutting boards from raw meats.

    You could also be pregnant and have morning sickness. Or it could just be a pretty bad case of the flu.

  4. I can't tell you if it's HIV because what you are experiencing could be symptoms of so many other illnesses. The only way the Doctor will test for HIV is if you ask he/she to do so. So, if you didn't mention it, they will not test for it.

    See, I think most people who experience these sort of symptoms think they have HIV because they are worried. Here is the thing, most of the times people who post about "symptoms of HIV" normally have a reason, and or a back story that COULD explain their symptoms, e.g. in your case, you say you ate a salad that could have made you feel ill. It's weird how people do that.

    Anyhow, I wouldn't be able to know simply because your symptoms are too general. You didn't even mention if the s*x was protected/unprotected.

    Good luck with your blood work results.

  5. No they will not check for HIV unless you ask or they have reason to mention it to you..You have to sign for an HIV test it's illegal for them to just give you one without your concent but that said it's prob not HIV..Simply because most people don't have HIV so I doubt the person you had s*x with did and also The symptoms you've mentioned don't really sound like HIV symptoms (which can look like ANY other diesease) Most people don't realize they have HIV and don't get symptoms anyways

  6. No. In order to get an HIV test, you need to request an HIV test, and sign an consent form.

  7. Sounds more like food poisoning to me. You didn't say if the s*x was unprotected. If it was you should get a HIV test. Everyone should test at least once a year.

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