
Do you think it is POSSIBLE for teenagers to have a real relationship and REALLY TRULY love eachother?

by Guest10767  |  earlier

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love eachother like two adults? or even a married couple? (teenagers like 14/15)




  1. Yes. But it may not be smart to get too serious, because as you get older, there are money issues and career planning and college to learn about and these things are also part of a relationship. So enjoy the relationship and don't worry too much.  

  2. sometimes, it can happen

    i know some people who got together when they were both 16 & their still together at 24, so it's possible

  3. Yeah I think so, my friend told me about her nan and grandad who met when they were 14, married at 16 and were together for 35 years.

  4. hiya,course they can. i got married when i was 17yrs old.I'm still married.i have been married 42 yrs,and still very much in love.xx

  5. yes, of course but it relies on a little bit of maturity and a high level of closeness!

  6. Yes infact there is loads end up happily married.

  7. Why not? Are adults the only people that can have these feelings? Age is just a number. When you love someone, you care about them a lot, so are teens incapable of caring? Or does that emotion somehow activated when we turn 18?

  8. Yes, lots of people have been together or at least known each other since being a teenager and end up happily married (:

  9. I personally think its possible...VERY RARE...but possible.

  10. Yeaa ! Loads of my friends have been with their boyfriends for years!

    there's always gonna be the hormones and stuff there lol

    but i believe that its totally possible :)

    But i think, if you really likes a boy, it would be best to get to know one another before going out. just being friends for a while could develop a strong bond, which could grow even more stronger in a relationship.

  11. yes (love has no age) and my boyfriend have been 2gether since I was 15 and we r still 2gether and I'm now 21

  12. Yes.They probably can but watch out because this "love" might only be a routine because you are so long together.Anyway,I hope this won't happen.

  13. It is possible but rare though. Most teens don't last that long. Truly it is possible...but you don't see it happen often though.

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