
Do you think it is a bad idea for a 8th drader, to have they mom chaparome her daughters 8th grade class trip?

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It is in a class of 13, and there is only one parent comming, and 2 other teachers.




  1. If you are homeschooled, your spelling should be an indicator that you need to be in public school.

  2. You should be proud that she wants to chaperone and that she could manage to find the time to do this for you.

    There are parents who come and have lunch with their teens at our public high school.    I  think it is wonderful.

  3. I think that the if the daughter asks the parent to volunteer and wants her to come then so be it, but if the feeling is not mutual then the parent should just leave the daughter because she is about 14 and can make some dicisions without the parents help. Her spelling is bad so what? Maybe she was in a hurry get over it!

  4. I have chaperoned all my daughters field trips up until 10th grade. This will be the first year she will be going on any alone. This was OK with my daughter because we have a very good relationship.

    Make sure you give her her space and don't "mother" her on the trip.

    Have fun!

  5. I don't htink there is a problem, unless the daughter doesn't want the mother to go. What kind of relationship does the daughter have with the mother?

  6. It is not only a good idea, I am just wondering why more parents aren't wanting to come along to help out! It is responsible to want to be involved in your child's life.

    The school should be asking for more parental involvement.

  7. Nah, I am in 8th grade... personally i would rather if my mother did not come on field trips with me, but some of my friends would like that. If the daughter wants the mom to go, and the mom wants to go it would be okay. Also, i would really not worry about what other people think about your parents... a few years ago when i was in 6th grade my dad chaperoned a week-long trip out of state... i was nervous about it at first but he was cool abt it:)

    It is up to you guys... work on your spelling please though... but yeah, it is fine.

  8. I think its okay, but I also think an 8th grader should learn to spell!

  9. If the mom is a cool mom, then it shouldn't be a problem. Are you the mom? Talk to your daughter, see how she feels about it. Do whatever she wants. If she wants you to go, there's no problem. If she doesn't, lay off. I know lots of kids don't want their parents to go on field trips, but some do. If you're the daughter, the same rule applies. If you want your mom to go, ask her. Who cares what people think? If you really do want your mom to go with you on the trip, just ask! Either way, as long as the daughter and the mother are okay with it, I think it is a GREAT idea!

  10. No.

  11. No, not at all...but you need to work on your spelling. It is atrocious.

  12. i don't know, but with that spelling, i sure hope this is the 8th "drader" (sic) asking.

    actually, by 8th grade, you have no excuse for spelling.

    but to actually answer, No, it's fine, my dad went on a class trip when i was in 8th grade.

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