
Do you think it is a good idea for someone to be both an owner and a coach of an NHL team?

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I'm not slagging Gretzky. I'm just asking for opinions.




  1. sure why not thats like owning a store and working there to. You can be a GM and a Coach and I think that spreads your time way to thin. The GM Gretz has can still replace him as coach and I think Gretz would be ok with that. Now if you are a non hockey owner that would be just stupid to coach.

  2. i wouldn't mind that or anything, but i could see where it could go wrong though.. that person would go on a power trip and start firing people left and right..

  3. Yeah if you coach hockey like Connie Mack mamaged baseball

  4. Gretzky did it for popularity for the Coyotes.  I think if the team is absolutely down in the dumps, they should.

  5. sure why not, mario was the owner and player

    how about that, coach benches you and you fire him!!!

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