
Do you think it is a good idea to go to disney land with out your husband?

by  |  earlier

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With just your 3 children while he stays home and works to pay for it.




  1. Well, it depends on what's been going on.  If he's taken vacations without you, then go for it.  If not, then I think you should save up and have everyone go at the same time.  Who knows, maybe he won't be an ape and actually have a good time with you.  But you know him best.  If he is an ape, then I hope the fallout at home won't be too bad.

  2. go as a family an why did u marry the ape????????????

  3. I dont think its very fair to him if thats what you mean...sounds like your a gold diggaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

  4. i say go so that you can have a good time.

    if he was there, it seems like he would ruin it for everyone.

  5. My husband travels a great deal. His idea of a vacation is staying home and reading a book and watching unending sport games.

    I always travel without him. Going to Disney this June with just the kids and me. I only have two and they are great travellers.

  6. i would say yes, but thats if he dont want to go if he like to ruin every1 time i would go with out him

    my stepdad(not an ape though) is like that but he doesnt like roller coaster and dont want to waste no money...but in all i think it depends how old the 3 kids are if there in a range of 10 and up then yea go by ur self with the kids might be less fun with out ur hubby though. but ask ur husband if he sure he doesnt want to go first.

  7. i used to go alot without my ex because he was a party pooper and never wanted to go on any of the rides. we had a disneyland annual pass so we used it alot. my hubby now is more comliant and we always have a good time when we go to disneyland or disneys calif adventure. that is my happy place!!

  8. i say no.

  9. i say go

    and cheat on him while ur there to eh? ;]

  10. some people can't deal with parks. or lines or other people. if that is the case, by all means, go to disney with your kids. besides, you are doing this for the kids. and if he ruins their good time then by all means leave him at work/home.

  11. Depends on your situation,but if I was in that position I wouldnt want my wife and kids to go alone, im protective like that. Besides 3 kids may be too much to handle for one parent,dont want them to get lost, Disney land is very crazy theres many people runnin around and such. Good Luck.

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